
2019 Black Marlin Conservation Record | The Billfish Foundation

2020 Conservation Record: Black Marlin

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag…
2019 Conservation Record Spearfish

2020 Conservation Record: Spearfish

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag…

2021 Tag & Release Awards Ceremony Recap

The Billfish Foundation’s 2021 Tag & Release Awards…

2021 Tag & Release Virtual Ceremony Information

The 2021 Tag & Release Ceremony presented by King Sailfish…
2019 Tag & Release Awards Ceremony Recap | The Billfish Foundation

2020 Tag & Release Competition Award Winners

Each year The Billfish Foundation recognizes the best of…
2019-2020 Tag & Release Competition Ends - The Billfish Foundation

2019-2020 Tag & Release Competition Ends

The deadline for tagging and releasing billfish for The Billfish…
TBF Swordfish Data Represented at ICCAT Meeting | The Billfish Foundation

TBF Swordfish Data Represented at ICCAT Meeting

Through its 30-year old tagging program, supported by 190,000…
Tag & Release Competition Update | News | The Billfish Foundation

Tag & Release Competition Update

Listed below are the top 5 captains and anglers in each category…
2020 Billfish Recaptures | Featured News | The Billfish Foundation

2020 Billfish Recaptures Update

The most important data received through TBF’s Tag &…
Tag & Release Competition Update | News |The Billfish Foundation

Tag & Release Competition Update

Listed below are the top 5 captains and anglers in each category…