Tag & Release

TBF Reports

Each year, TBF releases an annual report. This document is a comprehensive breakdown of the billfish tag, release, and recapture data we received within the calendar year, as well as a record of our growth and community involvement both internally and externally. 

Tag & Release

TBF Reports

Each year, TBF releases an annual report. This document is a comprehensive breakdown of the billfish tag, release, and recapture data we received within the calendar year, as well as a record of our growth and community involvement both internally and externally. 

TBF Reports

What is a TBF Report?

The Conservation Record is TBF’s unique annual publication. Within each calendar year, we receive tens of thousands of billfish tags, releases, and recaptures. Our Conservation Record is an all-inclusive report that summarizes all of the acquired species data. This document provides the public insight into fishing trends, global species hotspots, and in-depth species breakdowns. Each annual report demonstrates how important our volunteer anglers are in our mission of billfish conservation. Additionally, the Conservation Record spotlights events, research, and organizations we align with that helped us further our mission throughout the year. 

TBF Reports

Where does the information come from?

Our program rests on the willingness of anglers, captains, and mates to purchase, deploy, and report tag and recapture data. This is one of the ways we’re able to highlight everyone’s hard work each year while also showing how billfish data is used for conservation. We hope you enjoy reading it!



Ever wonder what science has come from The Billfish Foundation? Our publications include a list of several published works that highlight some of what TBF has done since 1986.

more about tag & Release

Interested in Learning MOre?

Ever wondered how to tag a fish, where the best placement for a tag is, or what to do if you’ve caught a billfish that already has a tag on it? We have the information to help answer all of your tagging related questions.
With more than 280,000 reports, The Billfish Foundation’s Tag & Release Program is the largest private billfish tagging database and the cornerstone of TBF’s conservation and advocacy efforts.
Our annual competition allows us to highlight anglers, captains, and mates who tag and release the most fish. This international competition encourages data collection and responsible billfishing.

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