Scientist Seeks to Advance Longline Research

NOVA Southeastern University Scientist and assistant professor, David W. Kerstetter, who received a federal Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP) in 2017 to conduct longline research in Florida’s east coast closed zone, has submitted an application for a new EFP, but this time without including the university. In 2017, Dr. George L. Hanbury, NSU’s president, halted Kerstetter’s project when advised by TBF of the negative impacts the project could cast on the institution’s science and community relations credibility. Following that decision, on November 21, 2017, Kerstetter filed papers of incorporation for – Florida Fisheries Solution, LLC.  – in whose name the

Proper Billfish Handling Techniques

We all want that epic photo. Whether it’s the most beautiful bonefish you’ve ever reeled in, a tasty grouper you’ve pulled up from the reef, and especially the mighty sailfish or marlin you’ve fought from the depths. But have you ever thought about how that might affect the fish? When it comes to billfish, being pulled from the water and into a world with no oxygen after an exhausting fight can be deadly. Even if the fish arrived at the boat in good condition, the stress of being removed from the water can kill it. What’s more, billfish have

Australia’s First Grander Blue Marlin Caught New Year’s Day

The first day of the year could very well be the best day of the year for a group of anglers in Australia. On January 1, 2018 Captain Eddy Lawler and crew of Black Marlin caught a 1,089-pound blue marlin off Exmouth, Western Australia. It was the first grander blue marlin (those 1,000 lbs or greater) caught in Australia, and the first anywhere in the world for 2018. Anglers Hayley Dellar, Leigh Freestone, and Clay Hilbert were on board that day, all of whom are part of The Billfish Foundation’s Tag & Release database. Hilbert is credited with fighting

Announcing TBF’s 2017 Tag & Release Competition Winners

Each year The Billfish Foundation recognizes the best of the best in the billfishing community to acknowledge the significant effort they contribute to our Tag & Release Program and billfish conservation. Since its inception in 1990, the program has grown to accrue nearly 240,000 tag and release records to become the largest private billfish tagging database in the world. In the last year alone, TBF has collected nearly 15,000 records! The information gathered through tag and release efforts has been invaluable to help better manage billfish stocks, better understand these fish, and preserve the sport we love. This has

Reminder: Renew Your Fishery Permits Following Hurricane Season

The Southeast Permits Office of NOAA Fisheries is reminding permit holders that all limited access permits must be renewed by the termination date printed on the front of the permit. The region was impacted by a number of hurricanes this year, impacting many with loss of property including fishing vessels. The Office advises that if your permitted vessel was lost, you can transfer the permit to another vessel, or even a U.S. Coast Guard or state registered raft or dinghy to keep the permit viable. Call the southeast Permits Office toll free at (877) 376-4877 to ask about transfer provisions

Charter/Headboat Vessels Will Need Endorsement For Catch Sales in 2018

Beginning January 5, 2018, NOAA Fisheries will require vessels with Atlantic highly migratory species (HMS) Charter/Headboat permits to also obtain a “commercial sale” endorsement in order to sell any catch of HMS. The new permit is obtainable for free when renewing or obtaining a 2018 HMS Charter/Headboat permit. This change creates a provision for the commercial sale of Atlantic HMS by HMS Charter/Headboat permit holders. Such permit holders are currently able to sell Atlantic tunas and swordfish, and can also sell Atlantic sharks if they hold a Federal commercial shark permit. Because of this, vessels with the HMS Charter/Headboat permit

General Bluefin Tuna Fishery Closes Despite Quota Transfer

The National Marine Fisheries Service has decided to close the General category fishery for large, medium, and giant Atlantic bluefin tuna for the rest of the year. The closure takes effect 11:30 p.m. local time on Wednesday Dec. 6, 2017 and remains in place through Dec. 31, 2017. The quota for this particular fishery has been adjusted by NMFS three times during 2017 with quota transfers from other fisheries. Most recently, 25.6 mt were transferred from the Harpoon category to the General category Dec. 1, 2017, resulting in a greater quota. NMFS, however, has determined that the category’s quota has been reached

General Fishery For Atlantic Bluefin Reopens Thanks To Quota Transfer

The Atlantic bluefin tuna General fishery will reopen December 1 for the first time since early October, thanks to a transfer of quota. NOAA Fisheries is transferring 25.6 mt from the Harpoon category to the General category, part of which will fill in for overharvests made in the September, October, and November subquota. The unused portion, however, results in 12.7 mt for the General category’s December subquota period, thereby providing fishermen with a chance to participate in the December fishery and harvest the U.S.’s remaining quota. The Harpoon category closed for the year as of November 15. The

2017 ICCAT Commission Meeting Concludes With Quota Shifts

More than 700 delegates from 47 member nations met in Marrakesh last week for the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) to discuss management strategies for several valuable species. The United States is one of many countries party to the commission, an inter-governmental organization responsible for the conservation of tunas and other migratory fish in the Atlantic Ocean. This year, tunas, swordfish, and sharks were on the agenda as scientists brought recommendations based on research findings. The catch limit for western Atlantic bluefin tuna was increased to 2,350 metric tons (mt), resulting in a 17% quota

Angels & Devils – TBF’s 2017 Fundraising Gala

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