2020 Conservation Record: Striped Marlin

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag and release database in the world, with 260,000 records by 150,000 anglers. In 2020 alone, TBF anglers and captains tagged, released, or recaptured 7,000 billfish and tuna across the world. Of these 7,000 new records, 1,963 were of striped marlin. Striped marlin (Kajikia audax) are native only to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They can grow up to 12ft long and over 450lbs. Information on how to identify a striped marlin can be found on our youtube channel. Thank you to everyone that tagged and released striped marlin last year
2020 Conservation Record: White Marlin

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag and release database in the world, with 260,000 records by 150,000 anglers. In 2020 alone, TBF anglers and captains tagged, released, or recaptured 7,000 billfish and tuna across the world. Of these 7,000 new records, 270 were of white marlin. White marlin (Kajikia albida) are native only to the Atlantic Ocean. They are often confused with roundscale spearfish (Tetrapturus georgii) as the two species appear nearly identical. For that reason, most regulatory agencies combine their management. Because of this, and because identification between the two is unreliable, TBF also combines the
2020 Conservation Record: Swordfish

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag and release database in the world, with 260,000 records by 150,000 anglers. In 2020 alone, TBF anglers and captains tagged, released, or recaptured 7,000 billfish and tuna across the world. Of these 7,000 new records, 169 were of swordfish. Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) are the only billfish species of the family Xiphiidae (as opposed to Istiophoridae). They are native to all oceans, but the vast majority of our records originate in the Atlantic. Information on how to identify a swordfish can be found on our youtube channel. Thank you to everyone that tagged
TBF Recommends Crediting the Closed Zones to 30×30 Goal

As the challenge to mitigate climate change gains momentum worldwide, the recreational fishing community must work to help identify waters for closure. This is especially true in light of the recent Presidential Executive Order, “30 x 30”, which mandates closing 30% of U.S. waters, as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), to all fishing by 2030. No one who enjoys fishing wants to have 30% additional U.S. waters closed to recreational fishing. If all currently protected U.S. waters are credited toward the 30% goal, the mandate is not as onerous. Current MPAs include waters designated as sanctuaries, national marine monuments, wildlife
2020 Conservation Record: Black Marlin

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag and release database in the world, with 260,000 records by 150,000 anglers. In 2020 alone, TBF anglers and captains tagged, released, or recaptured 7,000 billfish and tuna across the world. Of these 7,000 new records, 74 were of black marlin. Black marlin (Istiompax indica) are one of our lesser reported species and are native only to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They are one of the largest species of billfish, with records up to 15ft long and 1,600lbs. Information on how to identify a black marlin can be found on our
2020 Conservation Record: Spearfish

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag and release database in the world, with over 260,000 records by over 150,000 anglers. In 2020 alone, TBF anglers and captains tagged, released, or recaptured 7,000 billfish and tuna across the world. Of these 7,000 new records, 44 were of spearfish. Spearfish are the least represented billfish in the TBF dataset, making every new report that much more important. Thank you to everyone that tagged and released spearfish last year. Click here for information on our Tag and Release Program and here to purchase tagging equipment and other TBF items
Atlantic Bluefin Southern Area Trophy Fishery Closed to Angling

NOAA Fisheries closed the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category for the Southern Area Trophy Fishery on March 1st, 2021. This closure will last all year, ending on December 31st, 2021. The Southern Area Trophy Fishery includes the Atlantic area south of 39°18’N lat. (off Great Egg Inlet, NJ). It does not include the Gulf of Mexico. The Angling Category includes fishermen aboard vessels with an Atlantic HMS Angling category or Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat permit (fishing recreationally). The 1.8-mt Southern Area “trophy” bluefin tuna (73″ or greater) subquota has been reached and exceeded, causing the closure. Now, fishermen within
Recreational Fishing Gear, Bottom Trawls & Pelagic Longline Gear Are NOT the Same!!

With the recent Executive Order (EO), recreational fishing gear, bottom trawls, and pelagic longline are viewed the same as all other fishing gear when it comes to designating Marine Protected Areas (MPA). The EO, signed by Biden, calls for closing 30% of U.S. ocean waters to fishing, including recreational fishing, by 2030 through the MPAs. This is not the first time such a strategy has been raised, very large marine protected areas in various regulatory (marine monuments, wildlife refuges, sanctuaries, marine reserves, etc) forms have preceded the current initiative. Through the US Ocean Action Policy in 2006, the
2021 Tag & Release Awards Ceremony Recap

The Billfish Foundation’s 2021 Tag & Release Awards Ceremony took place on February 12th on Facebook Live. Like our 2020 Gala, the Awards Ceremony was virtual due to COVID-19. While we missed seeing all of our award winners in person, we loved the opportunity to engage with our less local constituents who would not normally be able to attend the ceremony, but logged in to enjoy the online festivities with us. The Awards Ceremony kicked off with a weeklong online raffle wherein participants could purchase items from TBF’s online shop, shop.billfish.org, to earn raffle tickets. The winner took home
Honoring Jack Duvall, Chairman of The Billfish Foundation’s Board of Directors

With sadness and pride The Billfish Foundation (TBF) honors the late John “Jack” P. Duvall, Chairman of its Board of Directors for the second time, who passed away recently. Jack, from Kemah, Texas, joined TBF’s Board on November 1, 2011 after having been an active TBF Chairman’s Club member for years. Jack is survived by his son, John P. Duvall, Jr., who we thank for his service to our nation as a career Marine Officer. Jack and his late wife, Pam, fished together from East Cape, Mexico for over 35 years, making friends and releasing marlin, especially striped