Workshop on December 7th regarding Offshore wind project impact

Input requested from anglers regarding potential impacts from offshore wind projects The Billfish Foundation just received word that The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is hosting the only workshop on December 7th at 10 am EST to understand and develop guidance to mitigate potential impacts from offshore wind projects on recreational fishing. They want to get insight and knowledge from the people and organizations that know and use these areas. Be sure to register since this will be one of your only chances to talk about this topic with the BOEM. Follow this link to Register for the workshop
Atlantic Mahi Mahi and Wahoo – Amendment 10

Anglers remain steadfast in objecting to the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s (SAFMC) approval of Amendment 10 as written. The amendment is now with the Secretary of Commerce for final approval is yet to be approved. Anglers and charter captains insist more is needed to ensure the two species will remain available for sportfishing, which are the backbone of the fishery. If the amendment isn’t modified to reduce the daily recreational bag and vessel limits (from 54 fish) and no approval of a commercial landing limit is included, many fear the stocks will collapse in a few years
ICCAT Update – November 2021

The member nations, including the U.S., of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the international treaty fishery management organization for Atlantic highly migratory species, approved a two-year prohibition on landing mako sharks. The U.S. will soon implement the prohibition. Whether this will add further to the Atlantic shark depredation of angler-caught fish is yet known. At the same recent ICCAT negotiations, an overall increase of 16% in the landing allocation (quota) for western Atlantic bluefin tuna was approved. The U.S. will be authorized to land an increase of between 4 to 5%. TBF continues
Atlantic Sharks Seem to Be Everywhere Anglers Fish

Daily reports and postings of angler-caught fish bitten into or taken whole by Atlantic sharks, known as depredation, painfully and clearly demonstrates the result of one-sided management, which has produced excessive numbers of sharks off the East, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean coasts. The angler-hooked species taken by sharks range from sheepshead to marlin and occur with fish hooked from shore, piers, small boats, and large boats. It seems to anglers there is no balance in Atlantic shark management, all titled in favor of shark conservation. Any additional shark abundance will worsen the negative impacts to recreational fishing, the
TBF’s Billfish In Space Party was Out of This World!

The ‘supreme orbit’ for space creatures and space beauties was found at TBF’s Billfish in Space Gala, which rocked all night long! Definitely the hottest party during the Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show. Bacardi libations kept the grooves smooth as guests were entertained by the music from the Men in Black and satiated with pleasures from the Marriott’s top chefs. Life Time Achievement Awards were presented to two individuals for their decades of commitment to fish conservation, advancing responsible fishing practices, and billfish science. Winners were: Rybovich Lifetime Achievement Award – John Brownlee and winner of the Winthrop
New Fishing Gear Used off California

The Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) recommended and the NMFS authorized a single Exempted Fishing Permit for testing a new gear – Modified Snap – in federal waters off California. The gear, a significantly modified longline, will fish 5 nautical miles of horizontal line, which is much shorter than traditional longlines. To help improve the survivability of bycatch species, the PFMC requires a four-hour maximum soak time, per set. TBF is not convinced the gear will actually fish cleaner. The gear is comprised of connected sections of line, each ranging from 300 to 500 meters in length, that will
Publication from North Carolina State Questions Atlantic Blue Marlin Post Release Survival

A science paper published in the Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, written by E. Houck et al., from North Carolina State University in the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Center for Marine Science & Technology, raised questions whether skeletal injuries caused by recreational fishing tackle could decrease post-release survival in Atlantic blue marlin. Skeletal injuries in the jaw area of 6 blue marlin caught with artificial lures and J-hooks and landed in the 2019 Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament were examined. The conclusion, it was “suspected” that the hook injuries to the jaw had little impact on post-release
Announcing TBF’s Holiday Fundraising Event!

Following the overwhelming success of our Virtual Gala in 2020, we knew that we couldn’t return to a solely in-person event in 2021. That’s why we are so excited to announce our first ever Holiday Fundraising Event! For two weeks, you’ll have the chance to win incredible prizes while supporting billfish conservation from the comfort of your own home. We hope you’re excited for this brand new event, it’s going to be one for the books! The event will kick off on Monday, November 15th with the opening of our Virtual Holiday Auction. For one week, you’ll have the
TBF Welcomes New Board Members

Pat Healey, of Ocean City, NJ is President and CEO of Viking Yachts, a family-owned and operated bat manufacturer occupying 1 million square feet in New Greta and Mullica, N.J. Pat’s father Bill and uncle Bob found Viking in 1964 with a commitment to “build a better boat every day,” a philosophy that still guides the company today. Pat began his career at Viking at the age of 10 and has worked in every phase of boatbuilding. He became President and CEO in 2014 as Viking celebrated its 5th anniversary, guiding the growth of its industry-leading sportfishing fleet. He is
Tag Card Completion Guide

The Tag & Release Program is the cornerstone conservation program of The Billfish Foundation. Created in 1990, it was established to remedy the large gaps in knowledge of billfish life history. As a result, it has created the largest private billfish tagging database in the world, with over 270,000 records. The Tag & Release Program relies on Captains, anglers, and mates across the world to tag, release, and recapture billfish. It is a global citizen science effort that relies on the collective dedication of thousands of participants. However, it is not enough just to tag or release