
Recreational Billfish Landings Update

Atlantic Billfish Recreational Landings Update 3rd Quarter 2018…

Atlantic Blue Marlin Research

Atlantic Blue Marlin Age & Growth Research Atlantic blue…

Billfish Conservation Act Amendment Update

TBF was very pleased when the National Marine Fisheries Service…

2018 Tag & Release Competition Update

Here are the current standings in all categories (except…

Analysis of Minimum Length for Blue Marlin Tournaments

What is the appropriate minimum length for blue marlin in tournaments…

Atlantic Billfish Recreational Landings Update

Update for the 2nd quarter of 2018  The National Oceanic and…

Sargassum Invasion

Weed, Weed – too much of a good thing? Offshore…

Billfish Policy Update – July 2018

To keep you up to date and for your convenience, we have…
