New NMFS Initiatives Benefit Longlines and Harm Recreational Community

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is proposing initiatives that once again ignore the recreational fishing community and do not benefit billfish conservation. NMFS seeks to reinvigorate commercial catch by loosening regulations on the longline fishery. This comes despite the fact that NMFS scientists and scientists of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) have made it clear that fishing pressure must be reduced on overfished marlin and other species – or to use a precautionary fishing approach. These new adjustments are irresponsible and show a true lack of regard for our community, the economic capacity
New Gear Restrictions May Help Billfish in the Pacific

The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission recently announced new requirements for fisheries targeting tuna in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). These new regulations intend to reduce sea turtle bycatch but have the potential to help billfish as well. While much of the resolution focuses on sea turtle-specific protections, two major factors may also benefit billfish. These include the increasing observer coverage on commercial fishing boats and the use of circle hooks. The first way this resolution may help conserve billfish is the intent to bolster observer coverage onboard commercial vessels. Observers are independent beings (not tied to the fishing boat)
New Blue Marlin Study Illuminates Age-Length Relationship

A new TBF-supported study out of the University of Miami made great strides in understanding the relationship between age and growth of Atlantic blue marlin. The study examined growth annuli in anal fin spines of 1,638 blue marlin caught as bycatch in Venezuela to determine the age of each fish. Growth annuli are small rings inside of the fin spine that increase in number as the fish ages, much like the rings in a tree trunk. They then correlated this age information to the lower jaw fork length (LJFL) to determine how well LJFL predicts fish age. The study found
New Quota Adjustments for Swordfish, Albacore Tuna, and Bluefin Tuna
NOAA Fisheries announced new 2019 baseline quotas for North Atlantic albacore tuna, North and South Atlantic swordfish, and Atlantic bluefin tuna (reserve category). These updates come as a result of underharvest of these species in 2018, moving the underutilized quota for 2018 to be available for 2019 use. The new quotas are as follows: Key: mt = metric tons, ww = whole weight, dw = dressed weight Note: The South Atlantic swordfish transfer is handled differently from the rest. No U.S. fishermen caught any South Atlantic swordfish in 2018, so the entire 75.1 mt dw was transferred to the
Potential Changes to the NOAA HMS Fishery Management Plans

Earlier last week, NOAA Fisheries announced that they are considering changes to the 2006 Consolidated HMS Fishery Management Plan and we will be monitoring and reviewing this further and providing comments soon. There are currently five major changes being considered. Public comment on these potential changes is open until November 11th, 2019. The scoping meeting is open to the public online, information for attending can be found here. For more information and to stay up-to-date on current fishery management, subscribe to the TBF newsletter, or follow us on social media
2019 Atlantic Billfish and Swordfish Landings Updates
As of August 20th, NOAA Fisheries finished compiling the second quarter updates for reported billfish (marlin, sailfish, and spearfish) and swordfish landings in the Atlantic. These landings include all billfish and swordfish landed from January 1st, 2019 through June 30th, 2019. With the tournament season well under way, a total of 39 blue marlin, 7 white marlin, and no roundscale spearfish have been landed. This is fairly on par with the 2018 second quarter landings, which boasted 37 blue marlin, 5 white marlin, and no roundscale spearfish. As such, there are 204 landings allowed for the remainder
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna General Category Closure

Just two days after the Harpoon category closure, NOAA Fisheries Highly Migratory Species Department has announced the closure of the General category for Atlantic bluefin tuna. As of 11:30pm on August 9th, 2019, fishermen aboard vessels permitted in the Atlantic tunas General and Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat categories may not retain, possess, or land medium (135 – <235lbs), large (235 – <310 lbs), or giant (>350 lbs) Atlantic bluefin tuna. Unlike the Harpoon category closure, this closure will only last until September 1, 2019. The 277.9 mt subquota of Atlantic bluefin tuna that has been allocated for June through
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Harpoon Category Closure

NOAA Fisheries Highly Migratory Species Department announced today the closure of the Harpoon category for Atlantic bluefin tuna due to the 91 metric ton quota being met. This closure comes just two days after NOAA HMS supplemented the Harpoon category with 15 metric tons transferred from the Reserve category. The closure will go into effect on August 8th, 2019 at 11:30pm. After this time, fishermen aboard commercial vessels with an Atlantic bluefin tuna Harpoon category permit may not retain, possess, or land medium, large, or giant bluefin tunas. The Harpoon category will remain closed until June 1, 2020
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Quota Transferred
Fifteen metric tons of Atlantic bluefin tuna quota was transferred from the Reserve Category to the Harpoon Category, bringing the total tonnage for the category to 91 metric tons and leaving 98 metric tons in Reserve to be used as the agency thinks best over the balance of 2019. This transfer will be in effect through November 15, 2019 or until the Harpoon category quota is reached, whichever comes first, and only applies to those commercial vessels with an Atlantic tunas Harpoon category permit. This is at a time when some federally permitted Atlantic tunas dealers are not accepting
TBF Submitted Comments on Two NMFS Planned Actions

The first action plan from National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is a proposed Amendment 13 for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna that included a tremendous array of options to modify how Atlantic bluefin tuna are managed. Because the Purse Seine Category has not landed any of its quota due to size constraints it has evolved into a robust business by leasing their uncaught quota tonnage to the longline vessels. The Angling and General Category (Rod & Reel) each can catch more tonnage if the agency would redistribute some of the Purse Seine tonnage to each. The second action that we are