Atlantic Marlin Fishing Now All Catch & Release in 2020 | The Billfish Foundation

2020 Conservation Record: White Marlin

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag…
Swordfish Tagged

2020 Conservation Record: Swordfish

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag…

TBF Recommends Crediting the Closed Zones to 30×30 Goal

As the challenge to mitigate climate change gains momentum worldwide,…
2019 Black Marlin Conservation Record | The Billfish Foundation

2020 Conservation Record: Black Marlin

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag…
2019 Conservation Record Spearfish

2020 Conservation Record: Spearfish

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag…
General Category Bluefin Fishery Temporary Closure | The Billfish Foundation

Atlantic Bluefin Southern Area Trophy Fishery Closed to Angling

NOAA Fisheries closed the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category…
Sailfish Conservation Record 2019 | The Billfish Foundation

Recreational Fishing Gear, Bottom Trawls & Pelagic Longline Gear Are NOT the Same!!

New Executive Order could stymy recreational fishing in Marine…

2021 Tag & Release Awards Ceremony Recap

The Billfish Foundation’s 2021 Tag & Release Awards…

Honoring Jack Duvall, Chairman of The Billfish Foundation’s Board of Directors

With sadness and pride The Billfish Foundation (TBF) honors…

NOAA Documents Negative Impacts on Fishing from COVID-19

NOAA Fisheries recently released economic impact figures…