TBF Recommends Crediting the Closed Zones to 30×30 Goal

As the challenge to mitigate climate change gains momentum worldwide,…
2019 Black Marlin Conservation Record | The Billfish Foundation

2020 Conservation Record: Black Marlin

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag…
2019 Conservation Record Spearfish

2020 Conservation Record: Spearfish

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag…
Sailfish Conservation Record 2019 | The Billfish Foundation

Recreational Fishing Gear, Bottom Trawls & Pelagic Longline Gear Are NOT the Same!!

New Executive Order could stymy recreational fishing in Marine…

Honoring Jack Duvall, Chairman of The Billfish Foundation’s Board of Directors

With sadness and pride The Billfish Foundation (TBF) honors…

NOAA Documents Negative Impacts on Fishing from COVID-19

NOAA Fisheries recently released economic impact figures…

2021 Tag & Release Virtual Ceremony Information

The 2021 Tag & Release Ceremony presented by King Sailfish…

TBF’s Juvenile Billfish Project Update

At the end of 2019, The Billfish Foundation announced the…
2019 Tag & Release Awards Ceremony Recap | The Billfish Foundation

2020 Tag & Release Competition Award Winners

Each year The Billfish Foundation recognizes the best of…
2019-2020 Tag & Release Competition Ends - The Billfish Foundation

2019-2020 Tag & Release Competition Ends

The deadline for tagging and releasing billfish for The Billfish…