76th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Recap

TBF back presenting at GCFI In November of this year, three members of TBF traveled to Nassau, The Bahamas for the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute’s (GCFI) 76th Annual Conference. Peter Chaibongsai, Addie Spain, and Racine Prinzo attended the conference to present their research findings and to share ideas and perspectives on emerging fisheries science […]

Wind lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico

The proposed sale is part of the leasing project announced by the DOI in 2021 to meet the Biden administration’s goal to deploy thirty gigawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030.  BOEM began identifying areas in the Gulf of Mexico in late 2021, following findings from government studies that show the Gulf of Mexico’s shallow waters and proximity to oil and gas infrastructure make it promising for the expansion of a new offshore industry.  According to their studies, these areas presented the fewest apparent environmental and user conflicts identified as Wind Energy Areas (WEA). On February 23

Sales of Offshore Commercial Wind Energy Leases off all U.S. coasts

Sales of Offshore Commercial Wind Energy Leases off all U.S. coasts were first offered by BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Department of the Interior) off the East Coast in February 2022, which resulted in the sale of 6 leases in the New York Bite region for $4.37 billion. In May a lease sale notice was issued for federal waters off California in what is identified as the Humboldt Wind Energy Area (WEA) and the Morro Bay WEA.  According to BOEM, the leases are projected to generate 4.5 gigawatts of wind energy, enough estimated to power 1.5 million

Workshop on December 7th regarding Offshore wind project impact

Input requested from anglers regarding potential impacts from offshore wind projects The Billfish Foundation just received word that The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is hosting the only workshop on December 7th at 10 am EST to understand and develop guidance to mitigate potential impacts from offshore wind projects on recreational fishing. They want to get insight and knowledge from the people and organizations that know and use these areas. Be sure to register since this will be one of your only chances to talk about this topic with the BOEM. Follow this link to Register for the workshop

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