White Marlin Stock Assessment Update

The June 2019 assessment of white marlin’s relative abundance remaining in the water offered mixed results, “overfishing” had stopped, but the authorized catch limit is still being exceeded. So management needs to carefully keep an eye on this stock. Although there was some evidence of rebuilding in recent years, the stocks remain significantly overfished and if mortality is not curbed the abundance will continue to decline.  Inadequate reporting by many nations continues commercially on discards, as well as those from artisanal and some recreational fisheries continue who take marlin species. Some of the solutions offered to ICCAT were:

More Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Allocation for Anglers?

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) recently released an Options Paper to amend the current Individual Bluefin Quota (IBQ) strategy, implemented to reduce incidental bycatch of bluefin, in the pelagic longline fishery for public review. The allocation of bluefin tuna to all user categories may be changed. Why should the recreational community care? For two primary reasons, the NMFS is advancing an amendment (13) to the Atlantic Consolidated Fishery Management Plan for Highly Migratory Species. One, the U.S. commercial fleet is not landing its international allocated Atlantic bluefin quota, leaving the unused portion subject to reallocation to other

NMFS Discussing New Ways to Allow Commercial Fishing Vessels Inside Closed Zones

NEEDS ALL ANGLERS ATTENTION – The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) launched a new and very comprehensive process for evaluating the success or inefficiencies of current Pelagic Longline Closed Zones and Gear Restricted Areas to achieve full swordfish quota utilization and reduction of seafood trade imbalance. The text makes clear billfish are not priorities for NMFS, rather pelagic longline fishing for tuna and swordfish are priorities with sea turtles, marine mammals, and sharks. TBF will be issuing a CALL TO ACTION soon. Details provided below: To evaluate success or inefficiencies of current Pelagic Longline Closed Zones and

Bluefin Tuna Angling Category Gulf of Mexico Area Trophy Fishery Closure!

NOAA Fisheries has determined that the subquota of 1.8 mt for the Angling category Gulf of Mexico trophy bluefin tuna fishery has been reached. Trophy bluefin are those measuring 73 inches or greater. The incidental Angling category fishery for trophy bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico will close effective 11:30 p.m., May 31, 2019, through December 31, 2019. More information can be found in the Federal Register notice. Persons aboard vessels permitted in the Atlantic HMS Angling and Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat categories fishing recreationally in the Gulf of Mexico may not retain, possess, or land large medium

Action Alert – Comments due for Forage Fish soon!

The Billfish Foundation submitted our comments to the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council to consider Bullet Tunas, Auxis rochei, and similar Frigate Mackerel, Auxis thazard to the dolphin/wahoo fishery management plan as ecosystem component species, so they can acknowledge the role the two currently unmanaged species play as important prey for both dolphin and wahoo.  Read our official comments below. SAFMC19DolphinWahEcoConScop You still have time to submit your comments to the council! May 16th is the deadline. Click here to submit your

New Daily Limit to Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category

NOAA Fisheries is adjusting the Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) daily retention limits that apply to vessels permitted in the Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Angling category and the HMS Charter/Headboat category (when fishing recreationally for BFT). The adjustments below are effective May 11, 2019, through December 31, 2019. These daily retention limits apply to vessels permitted in the recreational HMS Angling category and the HMS Charter/Headboat category while fishing recreationally. The daily retention limits are effective for all areas EXCEPT FOR THE GULF OF MEXICO, which is designated as BFT spawning grounds and where NOAA Fisheries does not allow targeted

Gov’t Lessens Billfish Research Funding

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Southeast Fishery Science Center, is further diminishes support for billfish research, now by not facilitating funding of a respected billfish scientist! This is a worsening of the government’s longstanding low priority given to billfish, whereas the highest priorities go to the “commercially targeted fish destined for the consumer market,” mainly bluefin and bigeye tunas. While those fish are important, the amount of information we know about billfish is still sparse even though the socio-economic impact of these family of fish are extremely valuable. This makes your contributions to TBF even more important

TBF Welcomes T-H Marine as a New Tag & Release Industry Sponsor!

T-H Marine Joins The Billfish Foundation as Tag and Release Program Sponsor Fort Lauderdale, FL – January 9, 2019 – T-H Marine Supplies, Inc., of Huntsville, Alabama, announces it has partnered with The Billfish Foundation, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, as a program sponsor. Sponsorship will focus on The Billfish Foundation’s Tag and Release Program, where T-H Marine will provide both financial and product contributions. “Billfish have a special place in my heart,” T-H Marine’s President, Jeff Huntley, stated. “There’s nothing quite like the sport of catching them and we need to make sure these beautiful fish are plentiful

Modern Fish Act Signed Into Law

Courtesy of Jasen Gast – Rehab

The Modern Fish Act (MFA), signed into law at the end of 2018, is to improve recreational fishing landings data, increase allocation of fish to anglers by expanding access in mixed-use (commercial and recreational both targeting the same species) fisheries, re-evaluate limited access systems and provide greater flexibility to fishery managers. Flexibility is to be achieved by removing the current hard recovery deadlines (as “short as possible” and “not to exceed ten years”) and establishing recovery deadlines to be “as short as practicable.” Access for 11 million saltwater recreational anglers to fish is

ICCAT Marlin Update

Very late in the year and not anticipated, landing limits for Atlantic marlin were raised in the international arena. It was the overfished status of  Atlantic billfish that became the subject of an international negotiating proposal put forth by the European Community (EC) at the annual negotiations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The EC’s proposal called for further reductions in Atlantic blue marlin landing quota from 2000 metric tons to 1,750 metric tons, a positive for that harvesting level would give marlin a 50% probability of recovering by 2028. The reduction is essential

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