Announcing TBF’s 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Winners

The Billfish Foundation (TBF), the world’s leading sportfishing conservation organization for marlin, sailfish, spearfish, and associated highly migratory fish, announces this year’s winners of its prestigious Lifetime Achievement Awards. TBF’s Lifetime Achievement Awards are named in honor of distinguished people who made exemplary contributions to advancing billfish research and conservation throughout their lives. This award is named in honor of John Rybovich, a former TBF board member and trailblazer in billfish conservation. As a founder of the Sailfish Conservation Club, the all-release Master’s Angling Tournament, the Tournament of Champions, and the Gold Cup, Rybovich focused on setting a standard
2023 Tag and Release Ceremony Recap

TBF’s Annual Tag and Release Award Ceremony, held in February, was again a high-energy event during which top captains, anglers, and mates were honored for their conservation releases and data collection. In Jungle Island’s Treetop Ballroom young guns exchanged stories, some meeting in person for the first time, while others were known from media coverage of their individual billfishing exploits. With open bars, hors d’oeuvres, and great mojo throughout the room, each became silent when Costa presented its teaser video of their recent Striped Marlin satellite tagging expedition in Magdalena Bay. The footage included extraordinary imagery where they deployed
TBF Welcomes Willis Custom Yachts as a Grand Slam Level Sponsor

The Billfish Foundation (TBF) is excited to announce and welcome aboard Willis Custom Yachts as a new Grand Slam level conservation partner. Willis Custom Yachts is committed to being the premier custom sportfish builder and also a full-service repair facility in the United States. “Willis Custom Yachts and I are proud to be a sponsor of the Billfish Foundation. I have been a professional Boatbuilder and Sportfisherman for some 40 years. I have seen firsthand the leadership in conservation that the Billfish Foundation has pioneered. Our fisheries are stronger and more protected now than in previous generations.
TBF Endorses Fly and Chester Brewer to Serve on Fishery Management Councils

Robert “Fly” Navarro and Chester Brewer are currently seeking approval to serve on Fishery Management Councils (FMC) for the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic. Ellen Peel and The Billfish Foundation team fully support this notion, even submitting a letter of endorsement for both nominees to Governor Desantis. As an organization focused on advancing conservation and proper management of billfish, TBF fully recognizes the importance of FMCs and the responsibility each member has to not only understand the fisheries and associated economies but to also work well with the state’s experts and consider all entities involved when making
2022 Tag & Release Competition Winners

Were you selected as a winner for the 2022 season and would like to attend TBF’s International Tag & Release Awards Ceremony? Here’s everything you need to know! Regardless of whether you plan on attending, email us a photograph and short bio at [email protected] to be included with the ceremony! As a reminder, to accept your award, all captains, anglers and mates must be a current member of TBF. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]. See below for the 2022 Winners! With 2022 officially complete, it’s now time for The Billfish
TBF’s Holiday Fundraising Event Starts Today!

Following the overwhelming success of our Virtual Gala in 2020, we knew that we couldn’t return to solely in-person events. That’s why we are excited to announce our annual Holiday Fundraising Event! For 5 days, you’ll have the chance to win incredible prizes while supporting billfish conservation from the comfort of your own home. We hope you’re excited about this annual event, it’s going to be one for the books! The event will kick off on Monday, November 14th with the opening of our Virtual Holiday Auction. You’ll have the opportunity to bid on dozens of incredible items
Deadline to Submit For TBF’s Tag and Release Competition is coming up!

The deadline for The Billfish Foundation’s 2021-2022 Annual Tag & Release Competition was October 31st, 2022. All records must be received by TBF by the end of the day on November 15th, 2022. There are two ways to submit your cards. (1) Online: Go to, login into your profile, and submit your tags online. Online submission is the quickest and most efficient way to ensure your tag and releases will be received by the deadline. Be sure to keep a hard copy (like a photo) of the record. (2) Mail: Drop your completed tag or release cards
A Friday Night Fever to Remember!

What a night! From the funky band to the freaky deeky dance floor, to everyone’s stellar outfits, this was a night everyone is sure to remember! Or maybe they won’t because the Bacardi bars seemed to be working overtime from the moment the doors opened and a sea of sequin strutted through the door. Either way, this year’s disco-themed annual fundraiser was the definition of an incredible evening filled with even more incredible people. The costumes. What a truly far-out sight it was. From sequin and glitter to wide lapels and bell bottoms, the attendees took this theme
TBF Welcomes our newest Winthrop P Rockefeller Intern – Addie Spain

We would like to introduce our newest Winthrop P. Rockefeller Student Ocean intern, Adelaide Spain! She is currently a senior at the University of Miami studying Marine Affairs and Classics with a minor in Sustainable Business. She’s hoping to enter the field of Maritime Law. Experienced in the sportfishing circuit, she has developed a strong interest in the process of integrating conservation techniques into both the tournament and recreational fishing industries. During her time with TBF, we’ll help her gain an understanding of sportfishing conservation, and to represent responsible users of marine resources. Welcome aboard, Addie! Click here if
TBF’s New Tag and Release Web Application is Live!

TBF is excited to announce the release of its new tag and release web application. Complete with a more user-friendly interface, personalized fishing history, and a revamped mobile phone application, TBF’s new site now makes the process of submitting tag and release information easier than ever. What Will You Need To Do To Start To successfully transition to this new platform, if you were a past/current user you will need to reset your current login credentials. If you are a new user, please register here. For those who may be unfamiliar with this process, we’ve created multiple video tutorials