The Billfish Foundation’s 2014 International Billfish Conservation Record is now available for purchase on TBF’s Online Shopping Cart. This publication is dedicated to the late Dr. Russell Nelson, a nationally acclaimed scientist, who served as The Billfish Foundation’s (TBF) Chief Scientist for 12 years. The Conservation Record includes the 2013 Rybovich Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, the 2013 TBF Tag & Release Program participants, summary of all tag, release & recapture data submitted and collected for 2013, map of top locations by species, and much more! TBF thanks our Tagging Program sponsors, Bisbee’s Fish & Wildlife Conservation Fund
Whether a novice or tournament pro, every angler out there should consider themselves very fortunate to have the opportunity to tag and release a billfish. Just seeing a marlin or sailfish is an amazing experience, but perhaps even more spectacular than seeing one from the topside of a boat is jumping in the water and witnessing the grace and beauty of a billfish close up. In June of 2013, Kasey Swan was lucky enough to not only tag and release a white marlin, but for this fish to later be recaptured. What made this recapture even more extraordinary is
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – A report released today by The Billfish Foundation (TBF) reveals that sportfishing has been a major factor in attracting tourists to Panama providing a valuable fishing-based economic lift to the country. In 2011 (most recent data), 86,250 visitors fished in Panama. Those anglers and the rest of their travel companions spent $97 million on charter boats, fuel, food, lodging, and other related expenses. The number of anglers visiting Panama has doubled from 2001 to 2011 and the surge could only be the beginning, provided that fishing remains great and consumers are made aware
Sportfishing Socio-Economic Studies
The Billfish Foundation is a global leader in illustrating the social, economic, and environmental benefits of recreational fishing and fishing tourism activities. By uncovering the economic impact of recreational fishing and translating it into informational products that are useful for policy makers, these reports provide a link between healthy oceans and prosperous economies. To date The Billfish Foundation has completed groundbreaking studies in the Los Cabos Region of Mexico and in the nations of Costa Rica and Panama. These studies demonstrate the ability of catch and release billfishing to provide thousands of jobs, support tax bases, and provide
Stock Assessment Science and Methodology
Stock assessments provide the ability for scientists to evaluate changes in fish populations through time. For highly migratory species that travel thousands of miles, across entire ocean basins, this process is complex and technical. The Billfish Foundation is a global leader in funding stock assessment science and improving the methodologies used to make the assessments. Areas of TBF stock assessment work include the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, marlin bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico yellowfin tuna fishery, and more. Stock assessments provide the raw data for the decisions that govern how the oceans are managed. By improving methodology
The Billfish Foundation’s Mission
The Billfish Foundation believes in conservation through sportfishing by using Research, Education, and Advocacy. Support TBF and ensure that fishing opportunities are available for future
Bouncer SWO
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