Our success would not have been possible without the support of countless individuals and organizations. Please take a few moments to review the many ways you can give financially to TBF. For any questions about membership, memorials, tributes or other current gifts, please contact [email protected] or call Deborah at 800-438-8247, x106. To discuss any other planned gifts, contact [email protected] or call Robert at 800-438-8247, x113


Members and friends of The Billfish Foundation have a long tradition of generous giving to support the many vital programs furthering the mission of conserving billfish worldwide. Since its founding in 1986, TBF’s achievements have been significant. Our success would not have been possible without the support of countless individuals and organizations. Please take a few moments to review the many ways you can give financially to TBF. For any questions about membership, memorials, tributes or other current gifts, please contact [email protected] or call Deborah at 800-438-8247, x106. To discuss any other planned gifts, contact [email protected] or call


Take a peek at some of the items we have in store for you to bid on for our live auction at our annual fundraiser, Back to the 80’s! Be sure to bid high, as all the proceeds go to billfish conservation! For more information on the event and to purchase your tickets or table, click here. BLUE MARLIN SAT TAGGING EXPEDITION – Be part of TBF’s 2017 blue marlin satellite tagging expedition in the Gulf of Mexico. Building off past expeditions, join TBF for a thrilling and gratifying experience fishing for blue marlin, satellite tagging them, and learning more about


Over the past 26 years, the sportfishing community has provided The Billfish Foundation (TBF) with over 220,000 tag and release records, making it the largest private billfish database worldwide. The data received helps marine researchers gain insight into migratory patterns, growth rates, habitat usage, and the overall health of billfish stocks around the world. A vast majority of those records used to be received on our traditional cards via post, but with TBF’s online system launch several years ago, there has been an incredible 45% increase in reported data from anglers, captains, and mates since 2014. With a large shift of people moving from desktop users into mobile devices, TBF wanted to make it easier and more convenient for the

Pacific Fishery Management Council (FMC) meets this week

The FMC is accepting public comment on its consideration of harvest specifications under an Exempted Fishing Permit for highly migratory fish caught by longline vessels fishing within the U.S. West Coast Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) “for limited testing, public display, data collection, exploratory, health and safety, environmental cleanup, and/or hazard removal purposes, the target or incidental harvest of species managed under an FMP [fishery management plan] or fishery regulations that would otherwise be prohibited.” The FMC also continues its discussion to identify criteria for issuing an exempted fishing permit for a future deep-set buoy gear for swordfish and other


Over the past 26 years, the sportfishing community has provided The Billfish Foundation (TBF) with over 220,000 tag and release records, making it the largest private billfish database worldwide. The data received helps marine researchers gain insight into migratory patterns, growth rates, habitat usage, and the overall health of billfish stocks around the world. A vast majority of those records used to be received on our traditional cards via post, but with TBF’s online system launch several years ago, there has been an incredible 45% increase in reported data from anglers, captains, and mates since 2014. With a large shift of people moving from desktop users into mobile devices, TBF wanted to make it easier and more convenient for the


Fall is almost here, and that means the competition year is winding down. Here are the current standings for the 2016 International Tag & Release competition. Those of you in first place, don’t rest too easy, there’s still 2 months of fishing to go, and those of you not yet on the board still have time. All fishing must be completed by October 31, and all tag cards need to be either entered by you ( or in the TBF office by November 15, NO EXCEPTIONS! Mail, fax, email, hand delivered, however you prefer is fine with us, but


Tournament season is coming to a close which means opportunities to get out there are getting fewer and the competition is stiff. Here are the current standings for the 2016 Gulf of Mexico Marlin Tagging competition.  All fishing must be completed by October 31, and all tag cards need to be either entered by you ( or in the TBF office by November 15, NO EXCEPTIONS! Mail, fax, email, hand delivered, however you prefer is fine with us, but they cannot be late. Please note, there are still numerous cards to be entered that you may have sent in some

Spain Penalizes Its Anglers for Commercial Overfishing

Anglers from Spain are prohibited this year, as are their commercial fishing vessels, from landing Atlantic blue marlin because the nation’s commercial fishing vessels exceeded their 2015 blue marlin quota. Spain has never designated a portion of its blue marlin quota for its sportfishing industry, but allows that industry to be penalized for commercial overfishing. Spain further disregards its sportfishing industry by failing to collect and report landings data for recreationally caught marlin to all levels of government. Reporting landings data establishes a record of the amount of blue marlin a nation’s sportfishing industry depends upon to operate

Gulf of Mexico Blue Marlin Satellite Tagging Expedition

TBF’s Gulf of Mexico Blue Marlin Satellite Tagging Expedition, staged out of Port Eads, which is 84.5 miles south of New Orleans, 24 miles south of the southernmost road in the state and only 5 miles from the 100 fathom curve and deep water, was extremely exciting. Participants included TBF board members, scientists, members of the New Orleans Big Game Fishing Club and the Mobile Big Game Fishing Club, charter boats and an array of billfishing constituents with boats from Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi.  TBF board chairman Scott Cooper, board member Johnny Dorland and president Ellen Peel, scientists

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