Hot Issues involves what TBF is doing to keep closed zones closed and advocate for billfish and recreational fishing

NMFS Removes Weak Hook Requirement

NMFS Removes Weak Hook Requirement

The 2011 required year-round use of weak hooks (15/0 carbon…
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category Closure | The Billfish Foundation

NMFS Weakens Gear Restrictions in Atlantic Ocean

The Gear Restricted Area (GRA) off Cape Hatteras implemented…
Non-Longline Fisheries Should Be Allocated More Swordfish | The Billfish Foundation

NMFS Still Considering Gear and Quota Changes in Atlantic

Pelagic longline “research” decisions not yet issued…

TBF’s Top Achievements in 2019

  With the year coming to a close, we thank you for…

A Win for HMS Conservation in the Pacific? Not So Fast…

Update ********* Not Dead - Potential Swordfish Longline Fishery…

TBF Responds to New Pacific Fishery Management Council Initiative

The Pacific Fishery Management Counsel is proposing to authorize…

NOAA Proposes Fishing Regulations in Gulf of Mexico

NOAA is considering an amendment to the current Fishery Management…

FWC Supports TBF In Opposing NMFS Initiatives

The Billfish Foundation is encouraged by the comments made…

TBF Tells NMFS NO To Harming Billfish and Sportfishing

As promised, below are TBF's final comments for the NMFS initiative…

New NMFS Initiatives Benefit Longlines and Harm Recreational Community

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is proposing initiatives…