Raising Bills for Conservation with Casa Vieja Lodge

Raising Bills, hosted by Kristen and David Salazar of Casa Vieja Lodge (CVL), has become one of the most highly anticipated events during the Miami International Boat Show. Industry leaders and VIP guests flowed in, immediately eyeing the incredible TBF raffle, which included items from Yeti, Costa, and Hook & Tackle. Guests mingled and chatted about the day’s events over craft beers, wine, and appetizers.  This year, CVL turned the event up a notch, adding a silent auction and an exciting live auction to the night’s festivities. Partygoers were thrilled by the incredible silent auction items available, including features

Kicking Plastic and Billfish Education at Costa’s Conservation Village

For the second year in a row, Costa Sunglasses hosted their Conservation Village in the Miami International Boat Show to educate showgoers about ocean conservation and encourage them to help out in the fight to #KickPlastic! The Village began with ocean research and advocacy groups from all over Florida, which shared the important message of ocean stewardship. Adults and students alike flowed through the tent, learning how they can make simple changes in their lives to help safeguard the health of oceans, humans and animals that rely on them. Throughout the weekend, The Billfish Foundation educated hundreds of visitors

2019 Tag & Release Awards Ceremony Recap

Love was in the air during The Billfish Foundation’s 2019 Tag & Release Awards Ceremony on February 14th, 2020 at Jungle Island’s Bloom Ballroom. The night was made possible through the generosity of Luis Bacardi and the Rum Bum Fishing Team, as well as other industry sponsors, including King Sailfish Mounts, Costa Sunglasses, Triad Foundation, Marina Casa de Campo, Floy Tag, and Viking Service Center. Viking Service Center also generously provided roses for the ladies in attendance. Of course, the unsung heroes of the night were our wonderful volunteers, who aided us in so many ways. The 2020 Awards Ceremony was

General Category Bluefin Fishery Temporary Closure

The General Category for Atlantic bluefin tuna will close beginning February 24th at 11:30pm and reopen on June 1st. This closure marks the fulfillment of the 100mt January subquota, which, despite it’s name, actually runs from January through March. This closure affects vessels with an Atlantic Tunas General category permit or an HMS Charter/Headboat permit with a commercial sale endorsement when fishing commercially for bluefin tuna. Additionally, this closure only applies to the retention, possession, and landing of medium, large, and giant bluefin tunas. To stay up-to-date on all things billfish and highly migratory species, become a member

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category Closure

The Angling Category for trophy Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Southern Area (the area south of Great Egg Inlet, New Jersey, 39°18’N lat) has already reached its 1.8 mt subquota, effectively and immediately closing it for the remainder of 2020. This means that no vessels with recreational Atlantic HMS Angling or Charter/Headboat permits may retain, possess, or land Atlantic bluefin tuna greater than 73 inches until 2021. Anglers may still land, possess, and retain bluefin tuna that are at least 27 inches, but less than 73 inches, in this area. Catch and release, as well as tag and release

NMFS Removes Weak Hook Requirement

The 2011 required year-round use of weak hooks (15/0 carbon vs 16/0 steel for regularly used hook) by pelagic longline vessels fishing in the Gulf of Mexico was for 12 months, but it is now reduced to 6 months (Jan. – June). Longline hooked large bluefin tuna and blue marlin often broke off the weak hooks, reducing bycatch mortality, but a greater number of both white marlin and blue marlin were hooked.  The weak hook research indicates that most marlin were released within 5 minutes. In 2011, 175 white marlin were reported hooked by pelagic longline gear rigged

NMFS Weakens Gear Restrictions in Atlantic Ocean

The Gear Restricted Area (GRA) off Cape Hatteras implemented to reduce bluefin tuna bycatch by pelagic longline vessels now is open to the gear. The waters had been closed December through April, but the NMFS decided it is no longer needed under the Individual Bluefin tuna Quota (IBQ) management system. Two Gulf of Mexico Gear Restricted Areas closed during April and May since 2015 and the Northeastern Closed Area off of New Jersey closed during June since 1999, are now pelagic longline Monitoring Areas, allowing longlining to resume.  Fishing is to be monitored for three years based on vessel’s

NOAA 2019 Commercial and Recreational Landings Updates

NOAA Fisheries announced the final landings updates for Atlantic swordfish and tunas, including bluefin. This update includes all fish landed between January 1st and December 31st, 2019. It also released updates for recreational Atlantic billfish landings between January 31st and September 30th, 2019. Final numbers for recreational Atlantic billfish landings for the entirety of 2019 are still to come. All commercial species, including North Atlantic sworfish, bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna, northern albacore, and bigeye tuna have experienced increased landings this year. Blue marlin, white marlin, and roundscale spearfish have also experienced increased landings (as of September 30th

NMFS Still Considering Gear and Quota Changes in Atlantic

Pelagic longline “research” decisions not yet issued that could authorize the gear to fish inside waters closed for 19 and 20 years off of Florida’s east coast, Charleston and in the Gulf of Mexico. The closures were implemented to reduce longline bycatch mortality of overfished swordfish, marlin, sailfish, tunas, sharks, sea turtles and marine mammals.  Swordfish stocks have recovered, but not the other species for which the waters were closed. If “longline research” inside the closed waters is authorized, it will be a clear indication the NMFS is writing- off the recovery of overfished billfish and the other species

How to help those in Australia

The Billfish Foundation is in communication with BlueWater Magazine’s Tim Simpson  (a TBF Board Member) in Australia who made it clear that the devastating fires continue impacting humans, including those in the sportfishing community, property, and wildlife at levels never before seen. Travel to the New South Wales Coast and to the coast of the northeastern Victoria area, just over the border, are not possible or recommended as the fires continue to fill the sky with thick smoke and ash. BlueWater Magazine will include features on the fires in its upcoming issues and has commissioned custom lures to help

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