
Billfish Magazine

Our primary publication, geared towards adult anglers and billfish enthusiasts, with a focus on policy and management efforts. 


Billfish Magazine

Our primary publication, geared towards adult anglers and billfish enthusiasts, with a focus on policy and management efforts. 

Latest Issues

Our latest editions of Billfish Magazine, in order. To access our most recent issue, become a member today!

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Check out our other magazines!

Our magazine for teens, with a focus on billfish, billfishing, and our marine environment.
Our magazine for kids, aimed to educate the next generation of offshore anglers on everything from billfish to the ocean and in between.
For years, TBF had articles featured in BlueWater Magazine. Check out our articles from past years!

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TBF provides a voice for billfish conservation and the recreational fishing community globally.
TBF collects and utilizes data for advancing responsible fisheries management and billfish conservation, highlighting the importance of the recreational fishing community.
TBF fosters strong billfish conservation ethics, helping anglers of all generations understand the importance of the recreational sportfishing industry and billfish

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2025 Tag & Release Ceremony Room Block
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