US BOEM to seek fisheries funds for Gulf of Mexico wind leases
The first offshore wind power lease auction in the Gulf of Mexico will offer a 10 percent credit to developers who contribute to a fisheries compensation fund for commercial and charter fishermen. The August 2023 auction by the BOEM will offer a 102,480-acre area offshore Lake Charles, LA and two areas off Galveston, TX, one comprising 102,480 acres and the other 96,786 acres. If developed to full potential, the lease areas could hold turbine arrays with nameplate ratings totaling 3.7 gigawatts of electricity. In planning the Gulf wind energy areas, BOEM excluded highly productive fishing areas after consultations
Update on Speed Restricted Zones
Speed Reduction Zones – TBF opposes the two recently issued proposals by NMFS and NOAA to apply extreme vessel speed reductions (10.5 mph) along the East Coast to all vessels 35 feet and longer when transiting Slowdown Zones. The goal of the first proposal aims to reduce vessel strikes of whales, yet documentation of whale strikes by vessels of 35 to 64 feet was not even included in the proposal. The Northern Right Whale has been listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) since 1970, yet populations continue to decline. Failure by large container vessels (25% compliance) to comply
Steve C. Levi Memorial Trophy Youth Conservation Award
The Billfish Foundation & Gulf Coast Yacht Group present a new Award for Gulf of Mexico Youth Anglers – the Steve C. Levi Memorial Trophy Youth Conservation Award Following the untimely and tragic death of Steve C. Levi, his daughters, Kristen Dzwonkowski and Chelsea Scruggs donated to The Billfish Foundation (TBF) a gorgeous bronze marlin sculpture of their father’s. It was decided to have the sculpture honoring Steve to become a perpetual trophy, the Steve C. Levi Memorial Trophy, for a youth competition in the Gulf of Mexico. The trophy will continue to be housed in the
Welcome Aboard our Newest Winthrop P. Rockefeller Student Ocean Intern – Racine Prinzo
We would like to introduce our newest Winthrop P. Rockefeller Student Ocean intern, Racine Prinzo! Racine is a passionate ocean enthusiast and dedicated intern at TBF. She is a South Florida native who enjoys spending her free time out on the boat with family and friends. Racine graduated from Florida State University with a bachelor’s degree in environmental science and is currently a graduate student at the University of Miami pursuing a master’s degree in marine biology and ecology. With a focus on marine conservation, she is currently conducting research on the effectiveness of speed restriction zones for whales
Draft Amendment 15 Looks to Open Closed Zones
After 23 years of defending the Closed Zones off the U.S. East Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) just shared its options in Amendment 15 to open the Zones again to pelagic longline fishing. It was pelagic longline fishing that brought about the Closed Zones for at the time the U.S. vessels were killing the largest quantity of juvenile swordfish among all nations fishing for the Atlantic species. If the swordfish nursery areas are in open zones, stock declines will likely follow, as will anglers’ hook-up rates for billfish, tunas, swordfish
Costa’s Marlin-Fly Project
For years, we have all heard about the amazing fishery and waters in Magdalena Bay, Mexico. From the hookups of doubles, triples, and quads of striped marlin with daily releases in the triple digits, it is not surprising that a number of our tag and release winners utilize this incredible location to secure some of our top annual awards. While the fishery as a whole may be renowned by offshore anglers, our current knowledge about the striped marlin fishery in particular is merely surface level. As always, our goal is to conserve, educate, and promote sustainable fishing in locations
Pacific Striped Marlin Rebuilding Plan
Western & Central Northern Pacific striped marlin, whose abundance, especially spawning-stock biomass, and size are greatly diminished and retain low priority within the Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC). This regional fisheries management organization (RFMO) is tasked with the management of this and other highly migratory species. Unfortunately, its interim rebuilding plan for the species which includes goals to be achieved by 2034 has no chance of success. More aggressive conservation and management measures by WCPFC to reduce post-release mortality need to be considered, which can be done with little impact on longlines catching its targeted species
Wind lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico
The proposed sale is part of the leasing project announced by the DOI in 2021 to meet the Biden administration’s goal to deploy thirty gigawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030. BOEM began identifying areas in the Gulf of Mexico in late 2021, following findings from government studies that show the Gulf of Mexico’s shallow waters and proximity to oil and gas infrastructure make it promising for the expansion of a new offshore industry. According to their studies, these areas presented the fewest apparent environmental and user conflicts identified as Wind Energy Areas (WEA). On February 23
New Age/Growth Study on Atlantic Blue Marlin and Swordfish need samples!
Scientists at the University of Maine need Atlantic blue marlin that weigh over 800 lbs and Atlantic swordfish over 500 lbs, specifically their heads, and the fork length measurement. They are hoping to conduct an age and growth study of these big girls and confirm their ages by collecting hard parts, like their otoliths or ear bones. If you land or know someone who has landed one, please let us know! They are willing to pay for the shipping and packaging of each of them. Again, all the scientists need is the head of the Atlantic blue marlin and swordfish
Announcing TBF’s 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Winners
The Billfish Foundation (TBF), the world’s leading sportfishing conservation organization for marlin, sailfish, spearfish, and associated highly migratory fish, announces this year’s winners of its prestigious Lifetime Achievement Awards. TBF’s Lifetime Achievement Awards are named in honor of distinguished people who made exemplary contributions to advancing billfish research and conservation throughout their lives. This award is named in honor of John Rybovich, a former TBF board member and trailblazer in billfish conservation. As a founder of the Sailfish Conservation Club, the all-release Master’s Angling Tournament, the Tournament of Champions, and the Gold Cup, Rybovich focused on setting a standard