Fall 2024 Youth Magazines Are Ready!

TBF’s latest issues of Sailfish and Spearfish are officially ready to be shipped! Each year, TBF writes and designs four youth magazines to help instill a passion for billfish, angling, and the importance of ocean conservation. Sailfish, which is designed for high school students, focuses on angling conservation, career aspirations, and how they can get […]

TBF’s 6-Month Competition Update!

TBF's 6-Month Competition Update!

  Who’s ready for the six-month update for TBF’s Annual Tag & Release Competition? We can’t believe we’re halfway through this year’s competition already. With our annual fundraiser being right around the corner, it’s time to give everyone a sneak preview on where they stand for the 2023-2024 competition. Listed below are current standings for […]

Sailfish Satellite Tagging in Palm Beach

Sailfish Satellite Tagging in Palm Beach

On March 13th, TBF’s Peter Chaibongsai and TJ Morrell met up with the crews, and research team in Singer Island, Florida to discuss logistics for the upcoming satellite tagging trip. The goal: satellite tag Atlantic sailfish over the next two days. With only a few instances of Atlantic sailfish being satellite tagged here in South […]

Costa Rican Government Supports Sailfish Conservation

A Step in the Right Direction for Sailfish in Costa Rica If you’re expecting to come across sailfish meat in the Costa Rican Canasta Basica, then you’re unfortunately going to be disappointed. The Costa Rican government has denied the longline fisheries’ request to include sailfish meat among said list, a list which includes low-taxed food products common to a Costa Rican diet. This list, which is taxed at only 1% for the benefit of the consumer, has nearly 200 food and household items, of which the commonly seen seafood items can include mackerel filets, shark filets, tilapia

Costa Rica’s Tuna Reform Law – Billfish Impacts Uncertain

As reported recently in the Tico Times, a new Costa Rican tuna law requires all purse seine vessels (none of which are owned by Costa Rican interests) to fish outside of 80 miles from shore. Previously, a 2014 Presidential Decree required the vessels to fish outside 45 miles. This, the Times reported, “created an amazing recovery for sportfishing, except for sailfish” catches, which increased with the commercial longline fishery. Sailfish are very important to the nation’s sportfishing eco-tourism trade, once earning the nation the recognition of Sailfish Capital of the World, now held by Guatemala.   Unfortunately, under current regulations, if

2020 Conservation Record: Sailfish

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag and release database in the world, with 260,000 records by 150,000 anglers. In 2020 alone, TBF anglers and captains tagged, released, or recaptured 7,000 billfish and tuna across the world. Of these 7,000 new records, 2,908 were of sailfish. Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus/albicans) are native to the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Istiophorus albicans refers to the Atlantic sailfish, while Istiophorus platypterus refers to the Indo-Pacific sailfish. However, many use Istiophorus platypterus for both, as there is little difference between the two aside from size and location. Here, The Billfish Foundation also

2020 Billfish Recaptures Update

The most important data received through TBF’s Tag & Release Program is recapture data. A recapture occurs when a tagged billfish is caught by a second angler subsequent to the tagging and release of a fish. Recapture data contributes toward gaining a better understanding of the species age and growth rates by comparing the reported estimated weight at the time of tagging with the estimated weight upon recapture with consideration given to the amount of time between the two events.  Recapture data also contributes to understanding a species possible site or area fidelity, if tagged and recaptured in the

2019 Conservation Record

The Billfish Foundation’s Tag & Release Program. We received over 11,000 new tag, release, and recapture records for billfish and tunas. These data are used by researchers and management organizations across the globe, helping us learn more about these great fish and how best to conserve them. Below is a link to a PDF of the final 2019 Conservation Record, including black marlin, blue marlin, sailfish, spearfish, striped marlin, swordfish, white marlin, bluefin tuna, and yellowfin tuna. 2019 Conservation Record Final This feat of citizen science would not be possible without the generous support of our Tag &

Sailfish Conservation Record 2019

The Billfish Foundation maintains the largest private tag and release database in the world, with over 260,000 records. In 2019 alone, over 11,000 new tag, release, and recapture records were added to this database, representing an enormous amount of data to help us learn more about billfish life history. Of these over 11,000 new records in 2019, 5,280 were of sailfish, including an incredible 34 sailfish recaptures. 73.6% of sailfish were released without tags, while 26.4% were tagged. To learn more about how to identify a sailfish, check out our youtube channel! An incredible 1,385 sailfish were tagged

NOAA 2019 Commercial and Recreational Landings Updates

NOAA Fisheries announced the final landings updates for Atlantic swordfish and tunas, including bluefin. This update includes all fish landed between January 1st and December 31st, 2019. It also released updates for recreational Atlantic billfish landings between January 31st and September 30th, 2019. Final numbers for recreational Atlantic billfish landings for the entirety of 2019 are still to come. All commercial species, including North Atlantic sworfish, bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna, northern albacore, and bigeye tuna have experienced increased landings this year. Blue marlin, white marlin, and roundscale spearfish have also experienced increased landings (as of September 30th

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