Aquaculture Atlases Issued
In support of Executive Order (EO) 13921, which calls for Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth, in May 2020, NOAA just issued two extensive tools that may be used to identify preliminary Aquaculture Opportunity Areas. One, “An Aquaculture Opportunity Area Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico” and the second one for the “Southern California Bite.” Completing and disseminating the Atlas is just one step of many in the early stages of a process that will eventually approve and site aquaculture sites in federal waters. Stay up-to-date on this and other related news by signing up for TBF’s newsletter
Anglers – Aquaculture Might Harm Forage Species & Your Catch
Recreational fishing may get displaced by aquaculture/mariculture if we don’t give current government plans close scrutiny. NOAA/NMFS, federal Fishery Management Councils, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Environment Protection Agency are focusing on and providing federal funding for aquaculture/mariculture. The first two regions currently being evaluated for suitability include waters in the Gulf of Mexico and Southern California. Beginning in 2016 when the U.S. seafood trade deficit hit $14 billion, pressure began and is growing to cultivate the nation out of the seafood deficit. Honorable thought, but some reduction in the seafood trade deficit could come at the