New TBF Website!

We are extremely proud to announce our website has been completely overhauled! Over the last year, hundreds of hours have been collectively spent building out an entirely new website from the ground up. Not only does the new site have a completely revamped aesthetic and usability, we have created dozens of pages worth of brand […]

TBF at Orange Beach Sportfishing Club

Longtime TBF supporters, Orange Beach Sportfishing Club (OBSC) recently welcomed TJ Morrell to speak at their club about the latest billfishing news, including updates on the foundation, topics affecting the sportfishing community, and where the organization is headed in terms of billfish conservation.  As a thriving sportfishing club in the Gulf, OBSC is familiar with […]

Jack Guarisco at Savannah Sportfishing Club

In May 2024, Jack Guarisco, 17, spoke on behalf of TBF at the Savannah Sportfishing Club! Acting as an advocate for TBF, he handed out magazines and stickers to those in attendance and even jumped on the microphone to dive into the history of TBF. He explained the importance of supporting the foundation and how […]

Pacific Striped Marlin Rebuilding Plan

Western & Central Northern Pacific striped marlin, whose abundance, especially spawning-stock biomass, and size are greatly diminished and retain low priority within the Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC). This regional fisheries management organization (RFMO) is tasked with the management of this and other highly migratory species. Unfortunately, its interim rebuilding plan for the species which includes goals to be achieved by 2034 has no chance of success. More aggressive conservation and management measures by WCPFC to reduce post-release mortality need to be considered, which can be done with little impact on longlines catching its targeted species

TBF Endorses Fly and Chester Brewer to Serve on Fishery Management Councils

Robert “Fly” Navarro and Chester Brewer are currently seeking approval to serve on Fishery Management Councils (FMC) for the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic. Ellen Peel and The Billfish Foundation team fully support this notion, even submitting a letter of endorsement for both nominees to Governor Desantis.  As an organization focused on advancing conservation and proper management of billfish, TBF fully recognizes the importance of FMCs and the responsibility each member has to not only understand the fisheries and associated economies but to also work well with the state’s experts and consider all entities involved when making

Exempted Fishing Permits for East Coast Deep-Set Buoy Gear

NMFS issued 7 Exempted Fishing Permits (EFP) for vessels to fish for BAYS tunas (bigeye, yellowfin albacore, skipjack) and swordfish in the Gulf of Mexico and off the Atlantic East Coast.  Six vessels are part of the Deepwater Horizon Pelagic Longline Bycatch Reduction Project; using funds from Gulf Restoration, oil spill settlement. The 6 vessels fishing only in the Gulf are pelagic longline vessels that voluntarily do not fish for 6 months a year because they are paid from Restoration funds. Gear options include deep-set buoy gear or greenstick gear. The vessel that also fishes off Florida’s East

TBF’s Atlantic Shark Depredation Campaign

No balance currently exists between the hugely successful Atlantic shark conservation and management of Atlantic shark fisheries –  people fishing, jobs, food markets, experiences, and economics.  Balance is needed. Shark depredation of angler-hooked fish from all platforms is occurring at unseen rates. Sharks damage gear, ruins fishing experiences, and causes negative economic impacts to the fishery and associated services. It is no longer safe to swim between boats, as sometimes needed for a crew member to help with a companion vessel’s problem.  Shark depredation will lessen only when fewer sharks remain in the water, which can be achieved

Workshop on December 7th regarding Offshore wind project impact

Input requested from anglers regarding potential impacts from offshore wind projects The Billfish Foundation just received word that The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is hosting the only workshop on December 7th at 10 am EST to understand and develop guidance to mitigate potential impacts from offshore wind projects on recreational fishing. They want to get insight and knowledge from the people and organizations that know and use these areas. Be sure to register since this will be one of your only chances to talk about this topic with the BOEM. Follow this link to Register for the workshop

Reallocation of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna for Angling Category

The current proposed Amendment 13 to the Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan may reallocate the U.S. Atlantic quota share of Bluefin Tuna among Fishing Categories (Angling, Longline, General, Purse Seine, Trap, Reserve). The Purse Seine category is being abolished and its tonnage reallocated since those vessels have landed any bluefin since 2015, due to regulatory size restraints, but their tonnage was leased to Longline Category vessels. The redistribution will result in slight increases in the Angling Category now spread over 4 sub-allocation areas instead of 3 with the division of the Northern area into two areas

NMFS Designates Bullet and Frigate Mackerel as Ecosystem Component Species

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) approved Amendment 12 to the Dolphin and Wahoo Fishery Management Plan (FMP), which adds bullet and frigate mackerel as ecosystem component (EC) species. EC species do not warrant current management on their own, but the designation helps achieve FMP objectives by increasing awareness of their importance to pelagic predators. Bullet and frigate mackerel are important prey species for pelagic dolphin and wahoo, with mackerel being wahoo’s dominant forage species. Mackerel are also important components of tuna and marlin diets.  More Amendment 12 information is available on the Federal Registrar website.  The

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