Research News

The Billfish Foundation (TBF) was established in 1986 by scientists and concerned anglers who were worried about dwindling billfish stocks and the future of sportfishing. Working worldwide, TBF’s research programs are the backbone of our advocacy and education efforts to ensure that fish stocks are protected and ample sportfishing opportunities are available for future generations. Utilizing both scientific and socio-economic research to show the importance of healthy billfish stocks and impacts on recreational fishing, TBF works with international fisheries management organizations and governments to increase conservation measures that benefit both fish and local communities dependent upon sportfishing.

NOAA 2019 Commercial and Recreational Landings Updates | The Billfish Foundation
Swordfish Tagged
Atlantic Marlin Fishing Now All Catch & Release in 2020 | The Billfish Foundation
Swordfish Tagged
2019 Black Marlin Conservation Record | The Billfish Foundation
2019 Conservation Record Spearfish
TBF Swordfish Data Represented at ICCAT Meeting | The Billfish Foundation
2020 Billfish Recaptures | Featured News | The Billfish Foundation
Intern Integrates Angler Knowledge into Fisheries Management | The Billfish Foundation
2019 Conservation Record | Featured News | The Billfish Foundation
Blue Marlin Conservation Record 2019 | The Billfish Foundation
Sailfish Conservation Record 2019 | The Billfish Foundation
White Marlin Conservation Record 2019 | The Billfish Foundation
2019 Swordfish Conservation Record | The Billfish Foundation
2019 Striped Marlin Conservation Record | The Billfish Foundation
2019 Black Marlin Conservation Record | The Billfish Foundation
2019 Conservation Record Spearfish
TBF's Juvenile Billfish Project | Featured News | The Billfish Foundation
Tagging Yellowfin Tuna with ICCAT and AOTTP - The Billfish Foundation