November 3, 2016


Take a peek at some of the items we have in store for you to bid on for our live auction at our annual fundraiser, Back to the 80’s! Be sure to bid high, as all the proceeds go to billfish conservation!

For more information on the event and to purchase your tickets or table, click here.

BLUE MARLIN SAT TAGGING EXPEDITION – Be part of TBF’s 2017 blue marlin satellite tagging expedition in the Gulf of Mexico. Building off past expeditions, join TBF for a thrilling and gratifying experience fishing for blue marlin, satellite tagging them, and learning more about their movements.

Take a peek at some of the items we have in store for you to bid on for our live auction at our annual fundraiser, Back to the 80’s! Be sure to bid high, as all the proceeds go to billfish conservation!

For more information on the event and to purchase your tickets or table, click here.

BLUE MARLIN SAT TAGGING EXPEDITION – Be part of TBF’s 2017 blue marlin satellite tagging expedition in the Gulf of Mexico. Building off past expeditions, join TBF for a thrilling and gratifying experience fishing for blue marlin, satellite tagging them, and learning more about their movements.

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