October 8, 2012

New E-15 Fuel – Good or Bad?

Is this influx of “new” fuel be safe for your vehicles?

E-15 fuel, which stands for a 15% Ethanol mixture in fuel and sometimes labeled Flex Fuel, demands you be alert. Earlier this month the President authorized that E-15 can be sold year round, despite experts warning that E-15 fuel can damage boat, snowmobile, motorcycle and older car engines.

If you are among the 63% of consumers, who assume all fuel sold at pumps is safe, you could experience an expensive lesson by not selecting the “other” fuel. Consumers who ride motorcycles, snowmobiles, or drive cars older than 2012 (though EPA claims those from 2001 forward, and boaters are safe) need Congress to intervene on E-15 and require clear and obvious warming measures to be posted on each pump dispensing E-15 fuel. Double check before you dispense fuel.

Is this influx of “new” fuel be safe for your vehicles?

E-15 fuel, which stands for a 15% Ethanol mixture in fuel and sometimes labeled Flex Fuel, demands you be alert. Earlier this month the President authorized that E-15 can be sold year round, despite experts warning that E-15 fuel can damage boat, snowmobile, motorcycle and older car engines.

If you are among the 63% of consumers, who assume all fuel sold at pumps is safe, you could experience an expensive lesson by not selecting the “other” fuel. Consumers who ride motorcycles, snowmobiles, or drive cars older than 2012 (though EPA claims those from 2001 forward, and boaters are safe) need Congress to intervene on E-15 and require clear and obvious warming measures to be posted on each pump dispensing E-15 fuel. Double check before you dispense fuel.

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