TBF and Carey Chen inspired Shark Wall Mural done by South Broward High School StudentsEvery year, National Week of the Ocean, Inc. honors community leaders and marine educators. This year, two of the recipients Jessica Jessup (a senior) and Susan Ostheim from South Broward High School, will be recognized for their work on a mural they did with The Billfish Foundation (TBF) over the past year. TBF would congratulate them since they will be recognized as ‘Week of the Ocean Student of the Year and Teacher of the Year.’
Senior Jessica Jessup and Ms. Susan Ostheim in front of the “Shark Wall” mural at South Broward High School.Jessica Jessup worked extensively on the “Shark Wall” mural (pictured above) and organized a Billfish Art fundraiser for TBF to educate the public on billfish conservation. Ms. Susan Ostheim helped supervise the mural drawing with the help of Marine Artist, Carey Chen, and TBF. Both individuals also were an integral part of the another project where National Honor Society Art students created pieces from blank fish mounts donated from King Sailfish Mounts. These pieces were later donated in the billfish art fundraiser, which raised over $600 dollars to TBF’s Education Program.

Thank you again for helping TBF and billfish Jessica and Susan! Congratulations again to you and to South Broward High School! They will both be recognized formally on Saturday, May 18th at the Cinema Paradiso in Downtown Fort Lauderdale. The public is invited to attend the May 18 lunch and awards ceremony. To RSVP, please contact Cynthia Hancock 954-462-5573 and to learn more about TBF’s education program and get involved, please contact us.