NOAA Fisheries is proposing new logbook requirements for vessel owners holding specific HMS permits, including Charter/Headboat, Atlantic Tunas General category, and Swordfish General Commercial permits. Additionally, the proposal includes modifications to reporting options for private recreational vessel owners with HMS Angling permits.
For individuals with an HMS Angling permit, the proposed rule mandates that reporting for Bluefin Tuna (BFT) landings, dead discards, and non-tournament landings of billfish and swordfish must be done exclusively via an electronic system. This change would eliminate the option to report removals via phone.
NOAA is looking to expand the data collection for For-Hire operations that would include reporting all trips in a 24-hour time period, regardless of whether fish are caught, reporting all species caught (including non-HMS), fishing location, and no-fishing reports.
NOAA states these changes are intended to improve the accuracy and timeliness of data collection, which is crucial for effective management and conservation of highly migratory species, but we would caution on a broad rollout without the proper outreach and training for our community.
For more information, you can refer to the full details here.