2017 Recreational Billfish Landings Posted

The National Marine Fisheries Service this week released its fourth quarter update on 2017 recreational billfish landings, rounding out landing estimates for the year. These landing numbers come from a variety of sources including self-reported angler reports from the Highly Migratory Species (HMS) non-Tournament Recreational Swordfish and Billfish Landings Database, as well as tournament landings from the Atlantic Tournament Registration and Reporting system, catch card reports from North Carolina and Maryland, and individual billfish intercepted by the Large Pelagic Survey and Marine Recreational Information Program. Estimates may change due to late reporting. The U.S. recreational billfish fishery is limited
Gulf of Mexico Blue Marlin Tournament Data Analysis

What is the right minimum size for blue marlin in the Gulf Tournaments? The Billfish Foundation newest Winthrop P. Rockefeller Ocean Program intern Nick Becker, a recent graduate from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment, is working on assessing blue marlin tournaments minimum sizes on harvested blue marlin – a continuation from his master’s […]