TBF’s First 12 Month SAT tag Recovery

This was a first for TBF. As you can imagine, having a piece of technical equipment thrusting through salt water at high speeds when attached to a marlin is not 100% fail proof. Some detach prematurely, some get predated by sharks and battery failure is often another factor inhibiting the collection of data throughout the […]
The Skillie Project

Back to News Skillie Project Join Us in Advancing the Conservation of Nantucket’s White Marlin What is It? We are excited to share with you an important initiative that is making waves in both the fishing community and the broader conservation world. The Skillie Project is dedicated to the preservation of Nantucket’s beloved White […]
East Coast Extreme Vessel Speed Reduction Update

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) have proposed a 10 mph speed limit for all vessels 35 feet and longer. While this proposal is still under review and has NOT yet been implemented, a 10 mph limit ALREADY applies to vessels 65 feet and longer as of […]
2022-2023 Conservation Record is out!

We are extremely excited to announce the newest iteration of our Conservation Record (CR) has been released! Encompassing data and events in 2022 and 2023, this is TBF’s first double feature report. This publication stands as a testament to our commitment to the conservation of billfish species. Through a blend of science and communication, this […]
Online Holiday Auction (Nov 27th – Dec 2nd)

In need of some holiday gift ideas? Good news—The Billfish Foundation’s Online Holiday Auction is here! From November 27 to December 2, you’ll have the chance to win incredible gifts, exclusive brand packages, and one-of-a-kind experiences from the comfort of your own home. 🎉 Don’t miss this chance to grab that special item, all while […]
Anglers We Will Miss: Dr. C. Phillip Goodyear

Dr. C. Phillip Goodyear of Havana, FL passed away on April 25. TBF and all of fishery science lost a leader with the death of Dr. C. Phillip (Phil) Goodyear, an internationally recognized expert in fish population dynamics. Phil worked for TBF as its consulting scientist for 28 years, during which he advanced billfish science […]
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category Gulf of Mexico Fishery Update

After 11:30 p.m., May 17, 2022, fishermen aboard Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Angling or HMS Charter/Headboat permitted vessels may not retain, possess, or land large medium or giant Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico (i.e. those measuring 73 inches curved fork length or greater). The Angling category fishery for trophy bluefin tuna will close effective 11:30 p.m., May 17, 2022, through December 31, 2022. Based on the best available landings information, the 1.8-mt Angling category Gulf of Mexico incidental “trophy” bluefin tuna (measuring 73 inches or greater) subquota has been reached and exceeded. This action could
Announcing the 2021 Tag & Release Award Winners

Each year The Billfish Foundation recognizes the best of the best in the billfishing community to acknowledge the significant effort they contribute to our Tag & Release Program and billfish conservation. Since its inception in 1990, the program has accrued over 270,000 tag and release records, becoming the largest private billfish tagging database in the world. In the last year alone, TBF has collected over 7,500 records! The information gathered through tag and release efforts are invaluable to increase our understanding and better our management of billfish and preserve the sport we love. This is only possible through the efforts
A Fish Conservation Business Opportunity Available

King Sailfish Mounts began nearly 30 years ago allowing sportsmen have a beautiful fish mount while knowing that they didn’t need to kill their trophy fish for it. Before King Sailfish Mounts, nearly all marine gamefish mounted were based on a dead fish. It turned out to have been a good opportunity both for the business and the resource. Now the majority of all marine fish mounts are based on a release. Since then, KSM has been credited for coining the phrase “Release Mounts” and is considered one of the most influential companies in its industry. They have
Aquaculture Atlases Issued

In support of Executive Order (EO) 13921, which calls for Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth, in May 2020, NOAA just issued two extensive tools that may be used to identify preliminary Aquaculture Opportunity Areas. One, “An Aquaculture Opportunity Area Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico” and the second one for the “Southern California Bite.” Completing and disseminating the Atlas is just one step of many in the early stages of a process that will eventually approve and site aquaculture sites in federal waters. Stay up-to-date on this and other related news by signing up for TBF’s newsletter