Billfish A Low-Value Food Item In Trinidad & Tobago
Recent images from the island nation of Trinidad & Tobago have again brought attention to the plight of billfish in the Caribbean. The photos show over a dozen billfish that were landed in Trinidad by local fishers, who likely are unaware of the economic benefits a live marlin can bring to their nation if left in the water. The sportfishing eco-tourism trade leads to greater economic benefits and jobs for the community than the one-time-use of the fish as food. According to numerous locals with whom TBF’s management has spoken, fishers in fact prefer to catch other pelagic species
Proper Billfish Handling Techniques
We all want that epic photo. Whether it’s the most beautiful bonefish you’ve ever reeled in, a tasty grouper you’ve pulled up from the reef, and especially the mighty sailfish or marlin you’ve fought from the depths. But have you ever thought about how that might affect the fish? When it comes to billfish, being pulled from the water and into a world with no oxygen after an exhausting fight can be deadly. Even if the fish arrived at the boat in good condition, the stress of being removed from the water can kill it. What’s more, billfish have
FAD Project Takes Next Step At GCFI Conference
Team members from The Billfish Foundation joined in the Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute conference held in Merida, Mexico last week. It was the 70th anniversary of the conference, where scientists, managers, and fishers all come together to share information, new technologies, and collaborate on solutions. Both of TBF’s summer 2017 interns were accepted to present their projects at the conference: one a poster and the other an oral presentation. The poster’s topic was a study of consumer attitudes toward seafood and purchasing behavior. Do people really care where their fish comes from? The short answer is yes, the
Results From ‘Grander’ Marlin Sample Available Years After Landing
We now know a little bit more about the massive marlin that was caught off Hawaii nearly a decade ago. On September 1, 2009, three anglers landed a blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) 21 miles south of Honolulu: the fish measured 12.2 feet long and weighed 1,245 pounds. At over 1000 lbs, the blue marlin is also known as a “grander” marlin. Fish of this size are difficult to study because they are difficult to land in the first place. The captain, crew, fisherman and locals acted quickly to take size measurements and save the head in order to provide
Celebrating the Miami Seaquarium’s Birthday With A Beach Cleanup
Bags of trash collected during Miami Seaquarium’s beach cleanup to commemorate their 62nd anniversary The Billfish Foundation strives to support its local south Florida community and partners with like-minded organizations to expand our work. In keeping with this practice, TBF helped the Miami Seaquarium celebrate its 62nd birthday this past Sunday, September 24. To commemorate its 62nd anniversary, MSQ invited the community to a beach cleanup at the Historic Virginia Key Beach Park, across the street from the Seaquarium. In addition to the recent damage from Hurricane Irma, the Park is a popular spot for locals and that heavy use can
TBF Takes Aim At Nova’s Longline Research In Closed Zone
Nova Southeastern University’s longline research in Florida’s east coast closed zone may damage its reputation for community relations and science. An associate professor from the university was granted an exempted fishing permit to begin longline research in August. The Billfish Foundation maintains that allowing longlines in the zone will threaten sportfishing opportunities and the species that support the industry. See the letter TBF sent to the university President below. Become a member of TBF today and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on news like this. Donate to support our fight for this and other
Morning Well Spent At Broward Marine Magnet School
Interns from The Billfish Foundation spent Thursday morning at South Broward High School with a group of incoming freshmen who are part of the marine magnet program. These students have a particular interest in marine education, from boat mechanic training to fish conservation, and sat ready with notebooks to absorb all information. A few were tricked with the first question of what is a billfish–ballyhoo and swordfish were mistakenly identified. But a quick biology lesson cleared up the confusion of distinguishing billfish, and opened the door to conversation about their importance, both in the ecosystem and to the economies
Did You Know?
Welcome to our Did You Know blog! Billfish and related species, like tuna and swordfish, are amazing creatures and set themselves apart from other fish. The Billfish Foundation would like to share some of the most interesting facts and stories involving these fish. What are some of the things that surprised you about these magnificent animals? #didyouknow Did you know that traditional tagging is not the only kind of tagging that TBF does? If you have followed us for a while, you may have heard us talk about satellite tagging, but what exactly is it, and how is it
Billfish Conservation Record Now Available – Analyzing 2014 data
The Billfish Foundation’s newest International Billfish Conservation Record is now available digitally! The Conservation Record includes the 2014 Rybovich Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, summary of all tag, release & recapture data submitted for 2014, a breakdown of the species reported, maps of top tagging locations by species, and much more! TBF thanks our Tagging Program sponsors in 2014, Bisbee’s Fish & Wildlife Conservation Fund, Casa Vieja Lodge, Costa, King Sailfish Mounts, SIMRAD & Pelagic Gear, for their support in making this record possible. View the entire record by selecting the link from the image below
Billfish Conservation Record – Analyzing 2013 Data
The Billfish Foundation is pleased to make available our annual Conservation Record, noting 2013 Rybovich Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients, 2013 Tag & Release Competition winners, and data analysis from this year’s records. View the full report by selecting the link on the image below