Extreme Vessel Speed Reductions – East & Gulf Coasts

A federal proposal may implement an extreme vessel speed restriction of 11.5 mph for vessels 35 feet and larger when motoring through zones designated to reduce vessel strikes of endangered whales. While neither TBF, nor our fishing community would ever wish for the extinction of any marine creature, a speed reduction of this magnitude could dramatically restrain all marine-dependent commerce. Similar restrictions are even scheduled to be implemented within the eastern Gulf of Mexico to protect Rice’s Whales. As a better potential alternative, TBF recommends the federal agency work with the U.S. Navy and the Woods Hole

2022 Tag & Release Competition Winners

Were you selected as a winner for the 2022 season and would like to attend TBF’s International Tag & Release Awards Ceremony? Here’s everything you need to know! Regardless of whether you plan on attending, email us a photograph and short bio at [email protected] to be included with the ceremony! As a reminder, to accept your award, all captains, anglers and mates must be a current member of TBF. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]. See below for the 2022 Winners! With 2022 officially complete, it’s now time for The Billfish

Costa Rican Government Supports Sailfish Conservation

A Step in the Right Direction for Sailfish in Costa Rica If you’re expecting to come across sailfish meat in the Costa Rican Canasta Basica, then you’re unfortunately going to be disappointed. The Costa Rican government has denied the longline fisheries’ request to include sailfish meat among said list, a list which includes low-taxed food products common to a Costa Rican diet. This list, which is taxed at only 1% for the benefit of the consumer, has nearly 200 food and household items, of which the commonly seen seafood items can include mackerel filets, shark filets, tilapia

Update on California Drift Gillnets

A request to officially transition the California drift gillnet swordfish fishery from large mesh drift gillnets to alternative options was submitted under The Driftnet Modernization and Bycatch Reduction Act (H.R. 404 and S. 273) in an attempt to utilize more sustainable gear to conserve highly migratory species and healthier ecosystems. With fishing conservation at the forefront of the decision, California will be retiring said gillnets within state waters (< 3 miles from the coast) to ensure sustainable resources for current and future generations. While federal waters (3 to 200 miles offshore) will still have access to this type

TBF’s Holiday Fundraising Event Starts Today!

Following the overwhelming success of our Virtual Gala in 2020, we knew that we couldn’t return to solely in-person events. That’s why we are excited to announce our annual Holiday Fundraising Event! For 5 days, you’ll have the chance to win incredible prizes while supporting billfish conservation from the comfort of your own home. We hope you’re excited about this annual event, it’s going to be one for the books! The event will kick off on Monday, November 14th with the opening of our Virtual Holiday Auction.  You’ll have the opportunity to bid on dozens of incredible items

Deadline to Submit For TBF’s Tag and Release Competition is coming up!

The deadline for The Billfish Foundation’s 2021-2022 Annual Tag & Release Competition was October 31st, 2022. All records must be received by TBF by the end of the day on November 15th, 2022. There are two ways to submit your cards. (1)  Online: Go to www.tagbillfish.org, login into your profile, and submit your tags online. Online submission is the quickest and most efficient way to ensure your tag and releases will be received by the deadline. Be sure to keep a hard copy (like a photo) of the record. (2)  Mail: Drop your completed tag or release cards

A Friday Night Fever to Remember!

What a night! From the funky band to the freaky deeky dance floor, to everyone’s stellar outfits, this was a night everyone is sure to remember! Or maybe they won’t because the Bacardi bars seemed to be working overtime from the moment the doors opened and a sea of sequin strutted through the door. Either way, this year’s disco-themed annual fundraiser was the definition of an incredible evening filled with even more incredible people. The costumes. What a truly far-out sight it was. From sequin and glitter to wide lapels and bell bottoms, the attendees took this theme

Update on Closed Zones – October 2022

Decision on Closed Zones Coming Soon Unfortunately, we are still fighting against pelagic longlining being reopened within specific closed zones. As you might remember from last year, an announcement proposing the opening of parts of the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico Closed Zones to pelagic longlining was proposed as an option moving forward. It is now anticipated to be released very soon.  As we have advocated and challenged countless times, there is no sound science behind such a decision, especially in light of the negative impacts on billfish, tuna, marine mammals, and associated nurseries. To stay up

Proposed Speed Zones Along the East Coast

Extreme Vessel Speed Reductions Once again, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has failed to consider the effects of their decisions on the recreational fishing community. Their recent proposal, which aims to restrict vessel speeds in areas where the North Atlantic Right Whale is known to be present, will be devastating for our community. Just as we experienced with the shark depredation issue earlier in the year, the government has failed to understand how their actions (or inactions) can have negative consequences on ALL users. Let us be clear though: The Billfish Foundation (TBF) understands the importance of protecting

Amendment 13 Finalized

As of October 3, 2022, Amendment 13 for Bluefin Tuna is now complete and includes changes for commercial fishing under the Individual Bluefin Quota system. Fortunately, there were fewer impacts on the recreational fishing community. One notable change is related to the division of the North Angling Area into two areas, thus requiring the total angling quota to now be divided among four areas instead of three. Regarding quota transfers, NMFS is transferring 125 metric tons of Atlantic bluefin tuna quota from the Reserve to the General category for October and November 2022. The new sub-quota is 177.9 metric

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