
Media Submission

We are always looking for billfish photos from members of our community. If you have high-quality billfish images you would like to share with us, submit them below.


Any content submitted to us has the potential to be used in our publications and or on social media. 

If we use your submitted image, we would like to credit you properly, so please make sure proper crediting details are provided in the form here. In addition, when submitting more than one piece of media, please provide a description for all items submitted. 

Species, ocean, general location, boat name, etc.
Captain, Angler, Photographer, Crew
Provide social media handles as well

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Our billfish successes today are only possible with partner support. Click here to see who they are and how you can help support them!
Our success would not be possible without the support of our community. Review the ways you can support our efforts.
TBF's Winthrop P. Rockefeller's Student Ocean Intern Program awards students who support billfish conservation and believe in responsible fisheries management.

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