August 11, 2017

Submit Comments on Allowing Longlines in Closed Zones to Florida Elected Officials!

Click here to submit comments to FL Senators Rubio and Nelson.

Click here to submit comments to your US & FL House representatives and FL State Senators.

Click here to submit comments to FL Governor Scott.

The Office of Highly Migratory Species (HMS), a division of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), charged with conserving and responsibly managing highly migratory fish species reversed 16 years of conservation with their approval of an Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP) on August 10, 2017. The permit will allow pelagic longline boats back into the east coast closed zone to fish. Sixteen years ago the same agency closed the zone to protect juvenile swordfish, billfish, sea turtles and sharks; now the boats will kill and sell the conservation benefits. Unbelievable!

We cannot stand by and watch the east coast closed zone be wiped clean of conservation benefits, we need your help to contact your Senators and US Representatives now and if you haven’t yet, please join TBF.

We have made it easy for you to submit your comments to our FL Senators, US Representatives, FL State Senators, FL State Reps and FL Governor with a ready made template but feel free to modify it.

Thank you very much,

Click here to submit comments to FL Senators Rubio and Nelson.

Click here to submit comments to your US & FL House representatives and FL State Senators.

Click here to submit comments to FL Governor Scott.

The Office of Highly Migratory Species (HMS), a division of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), charged with conserving and responsibly managing highly migratory fish species reversed 16 years of conservation with their approval of an Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP) on August 10, 2017. The permit will allow pelagic longline boats back into the east coast closed zone to fish. Sixteen years ago the same agency closed the zone to protect juvenile swordfish, billfish, sea turtles and sharks; now the boats will kill and sell the conservation benefits. Unbelievable!

We cannot stand by and watch the east coast closed zone be wiped clean of conservation benefits, we need your help to contact your Senators and US Representatives now and if you haven’t yet, please join TBF.

We have made it easy for you to submit your comments to our FL Senators, US Representatives, FL State Senators, FL State Reps and FL Governor with a ready made template but feel free to modify it.

Thank you very much,

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