December 7, 2024

Skillie Project

Join Us in Advancing the Conservation of Nantucket’s White Marlin

What is It?
We are excited to share with you an important initiative that is making waves in both the fishing community and the broader conservation world. The Skillie Project is dedicated to the preservation of Nantucket’s beloved White Marlin population. This collaborative, community-driven project aims to advance our understanding of the migratory patterns, habitat use, and population dynamics of the understudied Atlantic White Marlin (locally known as “Skillie”).

Why It Matters
The northeast White Marlin population has been a longstanding symbol of the region’s vibrant fishing heritage, but in recent years, the consistency of their return has been in question. This evolving fishery has sparked the interest of local anglers and researchers alike, all keen to understand the future of this prized species. By partnering with local captains, the University of Maine’s Pelagic Fisheries Lab, and various industry leaders, The Skillie Project aims to fill critical gaps in knowledge through the use of satellite tagging technology.

What We’ve Accomplished
In just one year, The Skillie Project has made impressive strides. In 2024, with support from brands like Viking Yachts, Costa, and Yeti, and the dedication of local community members, we successfully deployed five satellite tags on White Marlin in one of the most challenging and unpredictable fisheries. The data collected will offer invaluable insights into this species’ migratory behavior, which will directly inform sustainable fisheries management and conservation strategies.

The Road Ahead
The Skillie Project is far from finished, but we’re excited to keep moving forward! The research from these initial tags is just the beginning. With your support, we can continue our mission to ensure that future generations of anglers and conservationists can experience the incredible White Marlin that has long been a part of the northeast’s cultural and ecological identity.

How You Can Help
We invite you to join us in this groundbreaking community-focused conservation effort. Whether through financial contributions, raising awareness, or offering your expertise, your support will make a meaningful difference in the ongoing success of this project. For more information about how you can get involved or donate, please visit

Meet the Team, Partners, and Community Members Who Made this Possible
We owe a debt of gratitude to our generous sponsors and partners whose support has been instrumental in bringing this project to life:

  • Viking Yachts
  • Valhalla Boatworks
  • Costa
  • Nomadix
  • Yeti
  • The MidAtlantic Tournament
  • University of Maine, Pelagic Fisheries Lab
  • Smyth McCissik

This ambitious project has been made possible thanks to the dedication and collaboration of an extraordinary team of researchers, captains, and partners:

  • Capt. John Galvin, Captain of 72’ Viking El Diablo & 41’ Valhalla El Diablito
  • Capt. Robbie Goodwin, Captain of 72’ Viking Scup Slayer & 33’ Valhalla T/T Scup Slayer
  • Dr. Walter Golet, Lead Scientist, University of Maine
  • Sammi Nadeau, Scientist, University of Maine
  • Capt. Martin Scanlan, Captain of Whiskey, University of Maine
  • Peter Chaibongsai, Project Lead, The Billfish Foundation
  • Hannah Trotter, Project Communications
  • Capt. Joe Gugino, Project Partnerships
  • Matt Rissell, Videographer
  • Matt Foley, Photographer

And finally, we’d like to thank all the community members who made this possible:

  • Capt. Bob Goodwin, Fishery Pioneer
  • Doug Lindley, Fishery Pioneer
  • George Bassett
  • Matt Reinemo, Nantucket TackleJonas Baker & Brotherhood of Thieves
  • Bonnie Lema & Nantucket Anglers Club
  • Slip 14
  • Cisco Brewing
  • Peter Van Dingstee, Logo Artist & Owner Peter’s Fishing Tales

Thank you to everyone for their continued support and commitment to conservation. We are beyond excited to see what 2025 holds for us!

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