TBF Announces our Lifetime Achievement Award Winners

THE JOHN RYBOVICH LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The award is named in honor of a former board member and pioneer in billfish conservation, who founded the Sailfish Conservation Club, the Masters Angling Tournament, the Tournament of Champions, and the Gold Cup to raise funds for conservation. With his brothers, Emil and Tommy, the family business developed the first offshore sportfishing boat equipped with a tower, outriggers, fighting chair, transom door, and big engines. This year’s recipient: Charles Perry, known worldwide as a renowned blue water angler, captain with a 100-ton license, but is best known as the “greatest heavy-tackle wireman

Winners of The Billfish Foundation’s Most Prestigious Awards Announced

The Billfish Foundation’s (TBF) staff proudly announces the winners of its most prestigious awards for 2020.  This year’s winners include three distinguished gentlemen, who made exemplary contributions to advancing billfish research, conservation and sportfishing throughout their lives. THE WINTHROP P. ROCKEFELLER LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD honors TBF’s Founding Member, a well-known angler, philanthropist and owner, at the time, of Allied Marine in Miami, who established billfish science and youth education as the organization’s cornerstones. This year’s winner is Roy Merritt of Merritt’s Boat and Engine Works in Pompano Beach, Florida, whose family’s contributions to building fine sportfishing yachts began

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