
California Recreational Fishing Conservation Area

Recreational Vessels Temporarily Allowed to Fish in California Conservation Area

As of April 1st, recreational vessels are now permitted to fish…
Swordfish and Tunas Landings Update | The Billfish Foundation

NOAA Fisheries Announces Mistakes From Past Recreational Fishing Effort Survey

NOAA announced a large-scale follow-up study after results from…
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) logo

NMFS Science for Closed Zones is Questionable

In September 2021, an article published in Marine Biology, Journal…

Atlantic Save the Mahi-Mahi Campaign

Led by Blair Wickstrom of Florida Sportsmans Magazine, targets…

Is the US West Coast Going From Drift Gill Nets to Longlines?!?

A Recent Application for Longlines to fish off the West Coast This…

Reallocation of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna for Angling Category

NOAA/NMFS Amending Bluefin Tuna Allocations The current…
Sailfish Conservation Record 2019 | The Billfish Foundation

Recreational Fishing Gear, Bottom Trawls & Pelagic Longline Gear Are NOT the Same!!

New Executive Order could stymy recreational fishing in Marine…

NOAA Documents Negative Impacts on Fishing from COVID-19

NOAA Fisheries recently released economic impact figures…

Anglers – Aquaculture Might Harm Forage Species & Your Catch

  Recreational fishing may get displaced by aquaculture/mariculture…
Swordfish and Tunas Landings Update | The Billfish Foundation

Swordfish and Tunas Landings Update

NOAA Fisheries announced landings updates for Northern Atlantic…