Pacific Bluefin Tuna Recovery
The rejuvenation of Pacific bluefin tuna has surpassed all expectations, achieving a significant milestone in the recovery of the species. International organizations from across the Pacific came together and successfully managed to reverse decades of overfishing, ensuring the survival of this tuna species. The recent stock assessment conducted by the International Scientific Committee for Tuna […]
Pacific Striped Marlin Rebuilding Plan
Western & Central Northern Pacific striped marlin, whose abundance, especially spawning-stock biomass, and size are greatly diminished and retain low priority within the Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC). This regional fisheries management organization (RFMO) is tasked with the management of this and other highly migratory species. Unfortunately, its interim rebuilding plan for the species which includes goals to be achieved by 2034 has no chance of success. More aggressive conservation and management measures by WCPFC to reduce post-release mortality need to be considered, which can be done with little impact on longlines catching its targeted species
Effects of Circle Hooks on Sharks and Rays – IATTC Review
In March of this year, the 1st Circle Hook Workshop of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) commenced. The goal was to analyze “scientific information regarding different circle hooks sizes and their effectiveness at mitigating bycatch and target species with the specific goal of defining the characteristics of an adequate hook for the purpose of mitigating bycatch of sea turtles in accordance with Resolution C-19-04.” In other words, which hook type and size is the most effective at reducing the catch of unwanted species for pelagic longline. Various experts were invited to present their findings on the impacts
New Gear Restrictions May Help Billfish in the Pacific
The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission recently announced new requirements for fisheries targeting tuna in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). These new regulations intend to reduce sea turtle bycatch but have the potential to help billfish as well. While much of the resolution focuses on sea turtle-specific protections, two major factors may also benefit billfish. These include the increasing observer coverage on commercial fishing boats and the use of circle hooks. The first way this resolution may help conserve billfish is the intent to bolster observer coverage onboard commercial vessels. Observers are independent beings (not tied to the fishing boat)