New Oil Rig Features!

Tagging Database Upgrade! We are happy to announce that 60+ Gulf of Mexico offshore oil rigs and platforms have been added as searchable location points to the Tag & Release Application. Now, users can search up the platforms by name and select them as a location, rather than manually inputting longitude and latitude points. Visit […]
Closure of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category in Southern New England Area

The Southern New England Area Trophy Bluefin Tuna Angling Category will be closed from May 2, 2024, 11:30 pm – December 31, 2024. The 2.3-mt subquota has been reached and exceeded based on available landings information from NOAA. All Highly Migratory Species Angling category permitted vessels, as well as Highly Migratory Species charter and headboat […]
NOAA Fisheries Denies Petition to Establish a Mandatory Speed Limit in Gulf of Mexico

A huge win for the recreational community occurred on Friday, October 27th, 2023 when the petition to establish a mandatory, 10.5-knot speed limit in the Gulf of Mexico was denied by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The speed limit, among other vessel-related mitigation measures, was proposed in an attempt to reduce vessel collisions with […]
Proposed Rule to Designate Critical Habitat for Endangered Rice’s Whales

NOAA announced a proposed rule to designate critical habitat for the endangered Rice’s whale under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) even though a decision on the vessel speed in the Gulf of Mexico has not been finalized. The proposed critical habitat designation and the Rice’s whale vessel speed petition are unrelated actions. Critical habitat is designated under the ESA, and the requirement to designate critical habitat for the Rice’s whale was triggered by its 2019 listing as an endangered species. The proposed critical habitat includes Gulf of Mexico waters between 100 and 400 meters depth and this critical habitat would guide federal agencies
US BOEM to seek fisheries funds for Gulf of Mexico wind leases

The first offshore wind power lease auction in the Gulf of Mexico will offer a 10 percent credit to developers who contribute to a fisheries compensation fund for commercial and charter fishermen. The August 2023 auction by the BOEM will offer a 102,480-acre area offshore Lake Charles, LA and two areas off Galveston, TX, one comprising 102,480 acres and the other 96,786 acres. If developed to full potential, the lease areas could hold turbine arrays with nameplate ratings totaling 3.7 gigawatts of electricity. In planning the Gulf wind energy areas, BOEM excluded highly productive fishing areas after consultations
Update on Speed Restricted Zones

Speed Reduction Zones – TBF opposes the two recently issued proposals by NMFS and NOAA to apply extreme vessel speed reductions (10.5 mph) along the East Coast to all vessels 35 feet and longer when transiting Slowdown Zones. The goal of the first proposal aims to reduce vessel strikes of whales, yet documentation of whale strikes by vessels of 35 to 64 feet was not even included in the proposal. The Northern Right Whale has been listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) since 1970, yet populations continue to decline. Failure by large container vessels (25% compliance) to comply
Steve C. Levi Memorial Trophy Youth Conservation Award

The Billfish Foundation & Gulf Coast Yacht Group present a new Award for Gulf of Mexico Youth Anglers – the Steve C. Levi Memorial Trophy Youth Conservation Award Following the untimely and tragic death of Steve C. Levi, his daughters, Kristen Dzwonkowski and Chelsea Scruggs donated to The Billfish Foundation (TBF) a gorgeous bronze marlin sculpture of their father’s. It was decided to have the sculpture honoring Steve to become a perpetual trophy, the Steve C. Levi Memorial Trophy, for a youth competition in the Gulf of Mexico. The trophy will continue to be housed in the
Wind lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico

The proposed sale is part of the leasing project announced by the DOI in 2021 to meet the Biden administration’s goal to deploy thirty gigawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030. BOEM began identifying areas in the Gulf of Mexico in late 2021, following findings from government studies that show the Gulf of Mexico’s shallow waters and proximity to oil and gas infrastructure make it promising for the expansion of a new offshore industry. According to their studies, these areas presented the fewest apparent environmental and user conflicts identified as Wind Energy Areas (WEA). On February 23
Gulf of Mexico Hotspots Mapping Initiative
NOAA and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) are collaborating on a 5-year project to “evaluate the feasibility of bycatch hotspots” via communication networks in the Gulf of Mexico. Used as a tool to help reduce bycatch, the requested data from the recreational, charter, and commercial fisheries may be used to identify areas where high bycatch is likely. In other words, voluntarily reported angler data may be used to justify closing (spatial management) waters in the Gulf of Mexico to recreational fishing. TBF will monitor this issue and to stay up to date with all things billfish, become
Gulf of Mexico Restoration Plan

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010, a group of federal representatives have continued to assess and develop recovery strategies for injured marine resources. Referred to as The Open Ocean Trustees, their most recent plan is a result of past collaborative work and stakeholder input, which aims to restore those affected resources. This strategic Plan will guide restoration of priority fish and water column invertebrates. Atlantic blue marlin, which are overfished and overfishing is taking place, have been identified as a priority species. (To learn the difference between overfished and overfishing