NOAA Documents Negative Impacts on Fishing from COVID-19

NOAA Fisheries recently released economic impact figures caused by COVID-19 on the U.S. fishing and seafood industry, including wild harvest, aquaculture, and the recreational charter/for-hire sector. Most recreational charter operations were completely shut down in most coastal states beginning in mid-March and began a phased re-openings starting in May. NOAA estimated Southeast charter revenues, relative to the preceding 3-year period, fell 72 percent between March through April due to local and state COVID-related closures and protocols. In May-June, as businesses began to re-open, revenue was reported down 4.5 percent. With many tournaments having cancelled, 50 fewer highly migratory species
A Note Regarding COVID-19

During the present COVID-19 pandemic, The Billfish Foundation (TBF) staff and board members have great empathy for each individual and company who is suffering physically and economically. Each TBF staff member continues to work, but from individual employee’s homes to minimize health risks to all while keeping the mission moving forward. Office calls, email, and social media postings are checked regularly. We fear that not a single member, donor, or corporation in our sportfishing conservation and boating community will be untouched, requiring flexibility and creativity to regain our footing. No doubt, once this crisis passes, our appreciation for what