Changes to Bluefin Tuna Commercial Handgear Fishery

Effective as of July 1st, all Atlantic Tunas General category permit holders, as well as Highly Migratory Species Charter/Headboat permit holders commercially fishing for bluefin tunas will encounter restricted fishing days. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has stated every Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday from July 1 through November 30, 2024 will now […]

Modifications to Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Limit

NOAA is adjusting the daily retention limit for recreational fishermen for the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category. Effective immediately, the limit will extend throughout the remainder of 2024 unless modified by later action. The daily retention limits will apply to permitted Highly Migratory Species Angling and Charter/Headboat vessels when fishing recreationally. The limits are effective […]

California Fines San Diego Fishermen in Poaching Bust

In a significant move to curb illegal fishing, California authorities have busted and fined a group of San Diego fishermen $145,000 for their roles in an elaborate poaching operation. The fishermen were caught illegally harvesting and selling bluefin tuna, yellowtail, and mahi-mahi without the necessary permits and documentation. California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) […]

Closure of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category in Southern New England Area

Closure of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category in Southern New England Area

The Southern New England Area Trophy Bluefin Tuna Angling Category will be closed from May 2, 2024, 11:30 pm – December 31, 2024. The 2.3-mt subquota has been reached and exceeded based on available landings information from NOAA. All Highly Migratory Species Angling category permitted vessels, as well as Highly Migratory Species charter and headboat […]

Bluefin Tuna Closure for Angling Category

Bluefin Tuna Closure for Angling Category

Based on the best available landings information from NOAA Fisheries, the 2.3-mt sub-quota of the Southern Area Trophy Fishery has been reached and exceeded. Effective as of February 9th, 2024, the closure will remain throughout the rest of the year, officially ending on December 31st, 2024. The area in question is defined as south of […]

Closure: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category Southern Area Trophy Fishery

NOAA announced the closure of the Angling Category Southern Area Trophy Bluefin Tuna (the Southern Area is defined as the area south of 39°18’N lat. (off Great Egg Inlet, NJ), outside the Gulf of Mexico) as of 11:30 pm on February 22, 2023, until December 31, 2023. The closure is due to the 2.3 metric ton quota being reached and exceeded. This means that recreational fishermen aboard vessels with an Atlantic HMS Angling category or HMS Charter/Headboat permit (while fishing recreationally) may not retain, possess, or land large medium or giant Atlantic bluefin tuna (i.e., measuring 73 inches curved

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna General Category (Commercial) Fishery Closed

Based on the best available landings information, the adjusted 58.2-mt quota for the January through March time period has been reached and exceeded. Therefore, the fishery will be closed from February 14, 2023, 11:30 pm – March 31, 2023. PERMITS AFFECTED: Atlantic Tunas General category permitted vessels and HMS Charter/Headboat permitted vessels with a commercial sale endorsement when fishing commercially for bluefin tuna. Commercial fishermen aboard vessels with an Atlantic Tunas General category or HMS Charter/Headboat permit may NOT retain, possess, or land large medium, or giant Atlantic bluefin tuna from 11:30 p.m. February 14, 2023, through March 31

Amendment 13 Finalized

As of October 3, 2022, Amendment 13 for Bluefin Tuna is now complete and includes changes for commercial fishing under the Individual Bluefin Quota system. Fortunately, there were fewer impacts on the recreational fishing community. One notable change is related to the division of the North Angling Area into two areas, thus requiring the total angling quota to now be divided among four areas instead of three. Regarding quota transfers, NMFS is transferring 125 metric tons of Atlantic bluefin tuna quota from the Reserve to the General category for October and November 2022. The new sub-quota is 177.9 metric

Bluefin Quota Allocation Transfer – Sept 2022

NMFS transferred 90.5 metric tons of Atlantic bluefin tuna from the Reserve Category to the General Category for the remainder of this month to cover a 20.5 metric ton quota overage created earlier this year. The additional tonnage applies to the commercial Atlantic Tunas General category permitted vessels and to Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Charter/Headboat permitted vessels with a commercial sale endorsement when fishing commercially for bluefin

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category Gulf of Mexico Fishery Update

After 11:30 p.m., May 17, 2022, fishermen aboard Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Angling or HMS Charter/Headboat permitted vessels may not retain, possess, or land large medium or giant Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico (i.e. those measuring 73 inches curved fork length or greater). The Angling category fishery for trophy bluefin tuna will close effective 11:30 p.m., May 17, 2022, through December 31, 2022. Based on the best available landings information, the 1.8-mt Angling category Gulf of Mexico incidental “trophy” bluefin tuna (measuring 73 inches or greater) subquota has been reached and exceeded. This action could

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