July 6, 2017


We may still be highlighting last year’s award winners, but the Tag & Release Competition update as it stands. Don’t forget, these positions will be shifting constantly until the final deadline, October 31, especially now that the kiddos are out of school and hitting it hard! Check out the link for full details and rules. www.billfish.org/competition/

As of 7/6/17

Overall Release Captain

  1. Ronnie Fields
  2. Dean Panos
  3. Brad Philipps
  4. Edward Bairez
  5. Victor Julio Lopez Pizarro

Overall Tagging Captain

  1. Pete Wishney
  2. Tim Richardson
  3. Bouncer Smith
  4. Doug Covin
  5. Jaime Gonzalez

Overall Release Angler

  1. Scott Kozak
  2. Gray Ingram
  3. John Duvall
  4. Jacob Lepera
  5. Bill Pino

Overall Tagging Angler

  1. Jacob Lepera
  2. Marco Couto
  3. Mike Mason
  4. Hugo Van Dunem
  5. Nicolas Pariset

Overall Release Lady Angler

  1. Samantha Johns Mumford
  2. Camila Sanches
  3. Skylar Vallancourt
  4. Lisa Everett

Overall Tagging Lady Angler

  1. Luena Amaro
  2. Skylar Vallancourt
  3. Dawn Samuels
  4. Martha Macnab
  5. Denise Wishney

Overall Release Youth Angler

  1. Billy Carson
  2. Parker Brown
  3. Shawn MacMullin

Overall Tagging Youth Angler

  1. Nuno Abohbot
  2. Darren Philipps
  3. Hefner Appling
  4. Billy Carson
  5. Shawn MacMullin

Top Tagging Angler- Atlantic

Blue Marlin

  1. Charles Cooke
  2. Chris Pakarinen
  3. Jean Paul Bonnin
  4. Rene Bonneval
  5. Louie Selen


  1. Jacob Lepera
  2. Marco Couto
  3. Hugo Van Dunem
  4. Nicolas Pariset
  5. Luena Amaro

Top Release Angler- Atlantic

Blue Marlin

  1. Garrett Penley
  2. Bill Pino
  3. Chris Pakarinen


  1. Jacob Lepera
  2. Skylar Vallancourt
  3. J.R. Bergeron
  4. Eric Hull
  5. Justin Curry

White Marlin

  1. Ernesto Vazquez

Top Tagging Captain- Atlantic

Blue Marlin

  1. Tim Richardson
  2. Olaf Grimkowski
  3. Sean Young
  4. Corey Hurst
  5. Stephane Millez


  1. Bouncer Smith
  2. Fernando Duarte
  3. Doug Covin
  4. Rogerio Matos
  5. Jose Silva


  1. Nick Stanczyk

White Marlin

  1. Tim Richardson
  2. Doug Covin

Top Release Captain- Atlantic

Blue Marlin

  1. Tim Richardson
  2. Sean Young
  3. Chuck Gregory


  1. Dean Panos
  2. Doug Covin
  3. Jacob Lepera
  4. Chip Sheehan
  5. Matt Rabenstine

White Marlin

  1. Dennis Endee
  2. Doug Covin

Top Tagging Angler- Pacific

Black Marlin

  1. Aaron Adkins
  2. Bill Boyle
  3. David Richardson

Blue Marlin

  1. Bob Ballenger
  2. Jeff Citron
  3. Denise Wishney
  4. Rich Palys
  5. Chris Brown


  1. Jeff Citron
  2. John Henry David
  3. Darren Philipps
  4. Hefner Appling
  5. Becky Broadbent

Striped Marlin

  1. John Duvall
  2. Blake Quinn
  3. Richard Crowell
  4. Bill Savage
  5. Martha Macnab

Top Release Angler- Pacific

Blue Marlin

  1. Gray Ingram


  1. Scott Kozak
  2. Gray Ingram
  3. John Duvall
  4. Bill Pino
  5. Samantha Johns Mumford

Striped Marlin

  1. John Duvall

Top Tagging Captain- Pacific

Black Marlin

  1. Tim Richardson
  2. Craig Denham

Blue Marlin

  1. Pete Wishney
  2. Ronnie Fields
  3. Chris Choy
  4. Chris Van Leeuwen
  5. Bret Hawes


  1. Jerry Lanzerotti
  2. Sean Swetman
  3. Brad Philipps
  4. Cliff Mountain
  5. Bobby McGuinness

Striped Marlin

  1. Jaime Gonzalez
  2. Sean Holden
  3. Lupe Gomez
  4. Julio Cota
  5. Horace Barge


  1. Chris Choy


Top Release Captain- Pacific

Blue Marlin

  1. Ronnie Fields
  2. Gavilan Cordoba
  3. Brett Alty


  1. Ronnie Fields
  2. Brad Philipps
  3. Edward Bairez
  4. Victor Julio Lopez Pizarro
  5. Daniel Espinoza

Striped Marlin

  1. Lupe Gomez
  2. Nathan Brown
  3. Ronnie Fields


Top Tagging Angler – Indian

Black Marlin

  1. Mike Mason

Blue Marlin

  1. Batias Crais
  2. Mike Mason
  3. Callum Looman
  4. Scott MacGowan


  1. Mike Mason
  2. Callum Looman
  3. Dale Moore
  4. Batias Crais
  5. Bruce Horner


Top Tagging Captain- Indian

Black Marlin

  1. Perry Rosalie
  2. Randy Bradley
  3. Darryn Du Plessis
  4. Bomber Farrell

Blue Marlin

  1. Adam Ogden
  2. Perry Rosalie
  3. Darryn Du Plessis
  4. Randy Bradley
  5. Scott MacGowan


  1. Rolly Pierre
  2. Perry Rosalie
  3. Randy Bradley
  4. Ethan Donnelly
  5. Bomber Farrell


  1. Randy Bradley


Youth Division (Tag)

11 – 12

  1. Rafael Abohbot

13 – 15

  1. Hefner Appling
  2. Oliver Hoffman
  3. Kaleb Richardson
  4. Wil Cunningham

16 – 17

  1. Nuno Abohbot Jr.
  2. Billy Carson
  3. Shawn MacMullin
  4. Toby Mason

Youth Division (Release)

16 – 17

  1. Billy Carson
  2. Parker Brown
  3. Shawn MacMullin

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