The general category of Bluefin tuna will be closed from January 26th, 2024, to March 31st, 2024 based on the most recent landings information. The available data projected the 58.2-mt quota would be reached and exceeded during this time period.
All Atlantic Tunas General category permitted vessels, as well as highly migratory species charter and headboat vessels with a commercial sale endorsement would be affected when fishing for bluefin tuna. This closure would prevent any of the permitted vessels mentioned above from retaining, possessing, or landing medium, large, or giant Atlantic bluefin tuna until the closure is complete at the end of March. It would also require vessel ow
ners (including harpoon) to report all bluefin retained or discarded dead within 24 hours of the landing, or by the end of each trip. This does not apply to recreational anglers.
As of now, the General category bluefin tuna fishery is set to reopen on June 1st, 2024 for the June through August time frame.