Help Reduce Atlantic Shark Depredation

The NMFS has achieved predator-rich relationships with sharks…

INCREASES in Atlantic Bluefin Angling Category 

Changes Coming to the Atlanic Bluefin Tuna Quota for Anglers A…

Restricted Fishing Days for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Restricted Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fishing Days The National Marine…
Sharks Proving Detrimental to Sailfish Survival | The Billfish Foundation

TBF’s Official Amendment 14 Comments

TBF Sends NFMS Official Comments on Atlantic Shark Management On…

Recent Atlantic Bluefin Category Closure News

Bluefin Tuna Angling Category Southern Area Trophy Fishery Closure Just…

Recent Atlantic Shark Management News – Amendment 14

  Atlantic Shark Depredation Out of Control Capitol…
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) logo

NMFS Science for Closed Zones is Questionable

In September 2021, an article published in Marine Biology, Journal…

Exempted Fishing Permits for East Coast Deep-Set Buoy Gear

  NMFS issued 7 Exempted Fishing Permits (EFP) for vessels…

TBF’s Atlantic Shark Depredation Campaign

No balance currently exists between the hugely successful…

Atlantic Save the Mahi-Mahi Campaign

Led by Blair Wickstrom of Florida Sportsmans Magazine, targets…